2Red_Wolves 3 points ago +3 / -0

Larry Fink has a serious left wing agenda. He tried to force the radical ESV policies on our Assets, i.e., stocks, bonds and mutual funds in our IRA or 401Ks, except there was huge backlash when the people said NO; get your stinking hands out of my hard earned savings.

Fink is trying to push his ideological agenda thru by using his economic power of managing 40 million Americans' assets. That amounts to a Trillion Plus Dollars. Sending our investments into the China Markets competing directly with the USA.

My opinion: we need to bud light him and his ilk!

Explain it to me like a 10 year old: How can Blackrock's China ties be anything but Treason? I know that word is overused and does not have the impact it use to, but think about it. Blackrock profits from investments that help China's military, our adversary. Blackrock's investments promote China's human abuses, to beat and kill their own people and steal their organs. Our money does that!

These "asset managers" see the amount of money the middle class has scraped together sitting out there..... AND THEY WANT IT ALL; EVERY SINGLE PENNY TO PROMOTE THEIR MARXIST AGENDA. Do not be fooled.

If the masses do not wake up and do something to stop these people with delusions of grandeur, who not only want to take your savings, they want your property and your freedom, we get everything we deserve.

President Trump is trying to show us how to fight, so ...... get loud, speak up!

2Red_Wolves 3 points ago +3 / -0

There are many government agencies all over the nation. For instance NASA and Military bases with civilians. That said, I had dinner with a "government employee" last night who lives in the south. He works from home 5 days a week. His agency is not sure how they will respond to the Trump EO regarding employees who work from home.

He stated that many from his agency who work from home are not even in the state where they were hired. Some moved to Florida, so they are on "Teams" meetings while at their pool. The agency said, "Their work is more productive, they are of course, happier and save the company money by not occupying inhouse real-estate. "

This gentleman is an "upper management" employee with accounting and finances. He is a Trump supporter and is excited for our country's direction.

It will be interesting how the legitimate workers will be parsed from the free-loaders.

2Red_Wolves 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why is this criminal, Biden, given a pass? How can a country heal with this lawlessness allowed? It can't stand.

Why are the masses so complacent in demanding accountability?

I have watched Biden his whole career and he was always been a nasty, cheating sleaze bag.

2Red_Wolves 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is prophesy.....NCSWIC

Let this moment in time be in preparation for the greatest deception ever.

It is time to put on the FULL armor of God in earnest.



2Red_Wolves 10 points ago +10 / -0

People see what they want to see....

Did they not also see how he clutched his chest? Have they not seen his exuberance, every time he is on stage, at the fact of knowing we are creating history?

He feels a powerful love from Americans when he is with Trump, he throws his love back as he stands on the stage. He realizes the importance of what is happening and is thankful to be a part of what is good.

There is no telling what he has witnessed on Twitter that was evil.

We should all feel the exuberance he feels of how close we came to total destruction.

2Red_Wolves 1 point ago +1 / -0

A friend text me and ask if I had seen the video, I don't subscribe to X. He explained the best he could.

2Red_Wolves 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, from what I have been told, the DC Police are there in force where J6ers are being held. The police pushed back everyone all the way across the street on to the sidewalk. There are media with cameras, well wishers and people who want to pick up their loved ones in the crowd. May be a misunderstanding since it is a holiday, but the Demorats never let an opportunity go to waste if they can cause trouble.

Looks like Pelosi is making a stink on X.

2Red_Wolves 2 points ago +2 / -0

The sentencing is just another cut out of thousands to hurt him, his unwavering spirit and of course us, the people who have his back. This is a battle of good and evil.


2Red_Wolves 3 points ago +3 / -0

I had read in a family's lawsuit that some of the J6 prisoners were transferred to Marcy when members of Congress were trying to get inside of a DC prison to check on them. First reason was to hide them and keep them from talking, second reason was the DC prison was in such bad shape that they needed time to clean it up before the condition was found out.

Marcy has had sustained complaints of abuse, serious abuse, over many years, but the establishment has always covered it up. No matter your color or political leanings, these guards are evil and dish out their own justice to any prisoner. There have been lawsuits by former prisoners who claim they were beaten within an inch of their lives, some disfigured or left in wheelchairs.

Some of this info leaked out via the families of Jan6. I did not know if any of it was true or the Media trying to rile up conservatives..... but this video does not lie. The horror must stop.

2Red_Wolves 4 points ago +4 / -0

Cliven and his sons were tortured in Federal prison for two years before their day in court. Cliven was in his seventies.

The Obama Administration and Harry Reid tried to destroy the families. The FBI, CIA, BLM and MSM went rouge under Obama to squash what they had done and learned tactics they later used on Jan 6 patriots.

Other ranchers facing the same abuse came to help.

In the end they killed LaVoy Finicum, destroyed evidence, killed livestock, burned many family lands and were involved in a full blown cover up of systemic corruption. The federal agencies and the judges got away with it all. Not one was held accountable. NOT ONE.

Until Justice is brought against those that murdered American citizens, I will NEVER believe in the US Government again. They have a lot of blood on their hands.

2Red_Wolves 3 points ago +3 / -0

IMO, Flattery is a old method to get someone to let their guard down. Never under estimate the evil we face.

In saying that, many may very well realize this man is the real deal; an American Hero. The things he can do if given support by those who spued hate and lies.

Our country can be great once more, just like our people.

2Red_Wolves 1 point ago +1 / -0

Americans Beware of this man: He has a severe sadistic dark heart that he tries to hide, however, he can't help but reveal it to show who he really is. Now, he has money and connections to carry out evil.

2Red_Wolves 2 points ago +2 / -0

Step back and be grateful that we still have him with us. He's 100% America First!

Think about the fact that you are currently living during the GREATEST transformation in American history!


2Red_Wolves 2 points ago +2 / -0

We all make choices.... early 50s he has a very good chance of turning it around. I was in the same mess. The doc looked into my eyes and said I would have a massive heart attack by 60.

I ate whole vegetables for a month, mostly cooked, but some raw. No sugar, so soda, no fast food. Took my lunch to work after I made it the night before.

I began to walk while it was cool weather. Everyday it got better. Lost 20 lbs the first month and 15 lbs the second month, within 6 months I was down 50 lbs. Yes, I messed up at times, but got back at it. I think it was the 4th month I added protein back in.... chicken and fish. When I went back to the doc I didn't have an issue with my blood sugar or cholesterol. Our bodies are machines, they need fuel. Your choice on what that is.

2Red_Wolves 7 points ago +7 / -0

The Left, the Obama/Brennan/Comey regime, knows what they have done! They never thought they would ever have to face the consequences for the destruction and corruption of America. They almost succeeded.

So many crimes have been committed by the Obama regime along with the legacy media. How many innocent Patriot lives surrounding Trump have been destroyed? How much taxpayer money has been stolen or wasted while Americans struggle? If you only knew what they really had in store for our nation during CV19, you would run down the street with your hair on fire holding pitchforks.

THERE MUST BE ACOUNTABILITY.... THERE MUST BE JUSTICE. Open, lawful and True Justice for all to see.

It is to quite, they are in a panic and I think they are regrouping. I believe our fight has just started against a lawless and corrupt group. I believe life for us is going to get worse before it gets better. We are up against a deranged and dangerous system in which these men have created.

These sadistic sociopaths will not just willingly admit to what they have done, oh no, they are going to have be dragged kicking and screaming to face justice.

To begin with, bring out the true nature of child slavery and let the public see for themselves what we Patriots have been fighting for.

2Red_Wolves 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm just super excited to see such a tool available to the public. Maybe the Anons who run win could help to create a user friendly site. I am beyond grateful. BTW, I went back today and the site is much, much better.

2Red_Wolves 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is taking much to long to get in the results for the house. The smell is putrid oozing from the plotting they're engaged in. It is not their style to sit and do nothing, everything is to quite. Something is up and corruption is their game.

2Red_Wolves 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is an awesome tool; however, no one is going to participate with it being so slow and not registering your vote on some policies. It could be a defining website for policy makers to hear what we really want (common sense) but it will be dead on arrival if someone does not improve its speed and efficiency. PLEASE MAKE IT BETTER.

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