posted ago by Slechta5614 ago by Slechta5614 +55 / -2

So after seeing parts of the prayer service today...it got me thinking. Trump is able to do allot as commander and chief, as President. He cleaned out the government and much of the business side of things. However something still remains. The battle between Good and Evil must include the Church. Obviously there is still evil present there. So how should this happen. Is it time for the invisible Church to rise up and begin forming networks??? . What better time for this to happen. A good friend of mine...a brother in Christ...told me that if we were REALLY the city on a hill He calls us to be, the news headlines would not be what we see.

I declared it to start the year and I declare it now. Jesus is calling his body to rise from the shadows and begin to lead in much of the work that must be done. Will you play your part or simply wait until the crowd agrees. We are set apart. Let's act that way. Love you all.

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