Executive Orders... a slippery slope.
I admit, I don't know much about EO's. But when I read that Trump reversed (canceled) the affirmative action EO from LBJ, I immediately wondered things like...
Who will cancel Trump's EO's?
When will that happen?
Won't a future President take it even further and do 500 EO's the first day?
The President is not a law maker... he/she is a law signer, so what precedent is trump setting?
Are EO's Constitutional?
Anyway, I like being on the winning side of these EO's, but I also don't want to somehow someday be on the losing side of them.
There’s no such thing as a permanent anything in government. It’s just different rates of change. It’s hardest to overthrow the government (a possibility the founders envisioned in writing), hard to amend the Constitution, routine but politically challenging to pass changes to laws, easier to change regulations, and one person can write executive orders. This is the current moment, and our current president is setting a course through a set of executive orders that are within his power. Future elections can express the will of the people on what Trump is doing today. And among these executive orders are moves to secure those elections.
^^^^^ Best reply so far
This is 100% true. It always kills me how gullible voters can be when a political party (either side) says something like "Elect us and we'll make those tax cuts permanent" or "Elect us and we'll permanently roll back all the changes the other side made to this bill". They know damn well they can't make anything permanent - even if it is a Constitutional Amendment. If they did something, someone else can undo it. Makes for great political promises though, so they can get re-elected and go back to business as usual.
Thank you for your insight.