We all know that a large majority of american women will not go right of center and will infact stay quite left because of "womans rights." I truly belive that this is a wall of sorts, one of the final battles even, and that when we smash through it, the democrat party will evaporate before our eyes. The argument has been crafted in a very clever way by first using the word fetus, and as i mentioned tying the whole argument to womens rights. They have been taught scream "youre taking our rights away!!!" Well i was thinking about it over coffee, and if you say it out loud it makes sense: "yes, we are taking your rights away. You should have never had the right to kill a child in the first place." This kills 2 birds with one stone. Bringing to the forefront what it actually is.... murder.. At the same time it dismantles the 2nd and their most powerful argument which is their rights being stripped.
It should never have been allowed in the first place, and in a perfect world, before 47 finishes his work, this should be right behind voter ID as one of the nost impprtant and impactful things that can be done for our culture.
The right to abortion is the right to be as promiscuous as the night is long, and has and continues to drive women away from men. They turn into unrecognizible demons IMO, especially when they are young, only to settle down in their late 30s and complain that no one approaches them. You get rid of abortion and culture begins to heal nearly immediately. The gold digging, "child support culture" would even begin to heal. Of course women will withdrawl for a bit, but it has to happen for this country to become great again. Just my two cents. Curious what yall think about it. o7
If we were living properly, living a christian life, abortion would not even be an issue. The idea of killing anyone, but espicially an unborn child would and should be abhorrent. Unfortunately, we have strayed far from bublical ideals.
The first thing they'll say is but what about rape or incest? I've never seen a statistic on how many abortions are due to either of those two occurrences. My guess is a very small fraction. Thus, I might be willing to make them an exception under certain conditions that a police report has to be filed within 24 hrs and a DNA test be made a part of the standard ER kit for rapes to quickly ID if a family member was involved. If those conditions are met, morning after pills may be prescribed and or a surgical abortion within the first 30 days. The next thing they'll say is but what about if the mother's life is at risk? Then 2 doctors would have to examine and certify the woman has co-morbidities that prevent her from carrying the baby to term. That's it. No abortion on demand. Birth control is widely available to both men and women. If you feel responsible enough to have sex, then you're responsible enough to stop an unwanted pregnancy before it begins.
Look, if a women was truly raped, i cant with a good concious be like, I have to be a mother to this child. With more harsh rape laws maybe more women will vome forward, although proof is necessary. Also, there are tons of families that will happily adopt children- although part of me does think its wrong to force a women who was SA like that to have a baby. Maybe i couod be convinced- likely not. Now incest.- no.... its not fair to the life given the extremely high likelihood of genetic mutations, and a whole host of other reasons. My take seems to be in 95%+ of cases abortion should not be allowed, and should be acitvely discouraged..obviously... but under select circumstances it would seem to be, key word: medically necessary.
We want our women back. They want us back. They just have a hard time letting go of that lifestyle thats so easy for them.
That's basically what I said. If a woman was truly raped she needs to go to the hospital where they have rape kits for just that reason. Then, if truly raped a police report needs filed. If they do that then the pregnancy can be aborted legally. If it was incest they'd be given a DNA swab to confirm. It it's incest an abortion can be performed legally. In cases of incest with a minor, the police should be called to investigate.
Allow me: https://lozierinstitute.org/fact-sheet-reasons-for-abortion/
These people you are talking about that scream dont have one abortion they have 10-12 or more because they use abortion as a birth control. There is no reason for so many people to have to get abortion when there are many ways to not get pregnant in the first place.
First you have to teach them to be responsible for what they do. Why do so many women have to act like sluts all the time. What ever happened to the nice women that didnt sleep with every tom dick and harry? Where are those women?
I got in trouble a couple of times on twitter because I literally told them to close their legs lol.
Well, we are clearly saying the same thing. My whole thing is things that can be done to force women away from this lifestyle, because its the only way its gonna happen. Thats what i meant about withdrawls. The first generation of women that have to deal with the change are not gonna be happy abt it, and will actively fight it. But after that i believe american women in general (who are among tbe worst group of women on the planet) will slowly become more like eastern women, who are esentially what american men truly want out of their women for a plethora of reasons. It has to be nipped. Its the only way. Until then relationships in America will continue to suffer. Eventually, and we are really close to this being the case already; American men wont approach US women at all because of how bad it is, and will leave the country to find a family. Already the people qho do that are much happier... ita not close either.
They do NOT have the right to abortion, even if it is "legal".
The conceived person has the right to life. Trumps abortion.