posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +99 / -0


Don't miss the twist at the end -- where I part with Cates on the potential value of mRNA "cures" --

. . . The Trumpfather calls a meeting with MASSIVE MONETARY implications for those involved.

Project Stargate was already underway but is slowed down by constraints related to personnel, budgeting and finance.

Trump gave these two CEO’s an investment opportunity to speed up this project with a MASSIVE influx of cash from Japan’s Softbank.

This draws Ellison & Altman like moths to a flame.

Then Trump does something “dumb.”

He pushes Ellison to mention the health benefits of coupling AI with medicine.

THAT WAS 100% PREPLANNED for Ellison to drop the TRIGGER WORD “mRNA.”

And as I’ve said, the internet exploded in OUTRAGE.

Just as Trump & ELON intended.

Elon immediately used his DIGITAL MEDIA WEAPON called the X App turned his BEAM OF LIGHT from the vile criminals running & ruining the UK to Altman.

Understand, Trump sets all of this up, then gets Ellison to say THE VERY BAD THING, then dances aside as the fireworks begin.

Although the Oracle CEO said THE THING and will be hit by that highly effective Beam of Light he’ll weather it mostly unscathed, AS INTENDED.

No, the person about to be INCINERATED in that spotlight is Sam Altman.

A HAND PICKED CIA ASSET and therefore a real threat to Trump & America First was suckered to that meeting under the hint hundreds of billions might be pumped into the project HE flipped on Elon “somehow” is now in A SPOTLIGHT that will destroy his standing and credibility thereby ruining his viability AS that CIA Asset.

Altman may end up kissing Trump’s ring by March if he is still, in any capacity associated with OpenAI at that point.

I realized what I was looking at during that presser ON THE SPOT.

So imagine my shock and disappointment when many of the so called MAGA influencers associated with Trump accepted the SHOW and failed to dig any deeper.

There are people who, after EIGHT LONG YEARS supposedly following & supporting Trump claiming to totally “get Trump” and adore him seem to take every single opportunity to “GET TRUMP” in a manner completely different from me.

Eight years and they’re still clueless at how this man operates?


Here, in Brent's conclusion, is an assertion I have serious doubts about, because I do NOT have reason to believe mRNA can be used safely:

And one of the government’s chosen figureheads to control AI is being CRUSHED into non viability practically overnight.

Believe it or not, the longest term benefit that will emerge from this is not a competently and carefully crafted AI that will enhance your human experience, although that IS what will happen.

No, the biggest benefit is when, after exacting and thorough scrutiny by the best scientists and doctors NOT on Big Pharma’s payroll, they conclude Ellison’s assertions are correct and could save countless lives.

Rehabilitating the nasty reputation mRNA has due to the actions of a bunch of degenerate kiddy diddling devil worshippers who misused to it attack humanity.

Back to my concerns about using mRNA -- there are several reasons I'm leery of using it even with the BEST intentions. Here is just one, from The cancer 'cure' cloaked in LNPs is coming to a theatre existence near you by Jessica Rose:


. . . I was meant to talk for about 15 minutes at a recent Brownstone retreat and found myself hovering my figurative mouse over the subject matter of cancer gene therapy for about 5 minutes instead. I thought it was important. In January 2024, the Lancet wrote up a study entitled “Individualised neoantigen therapy mRNA-4157 (V940) plus pembrolizumab versus pembrolizumab monotherapy in resected melanoma (KEYNOTE-942): a randomised, phase 2b study”¹ which was a summary of the phase 2 trial data for this ‘new’ product. You can read about that here, and here is the clinical trial study description at clinical trials dot gov NCT03897881.

Currently, we are moving into phase 3, and before you know it, everyone will be getting injected with modified mRNA crap to ‘cure cancer’. Now don’t get me wrong, cancer is insidious and needs to be dealt with, but as I stated in my 5 minute short, cancer is almost entirely preventable (in the case of most cancers) and thus, resources should be spent on prevention, not stage 4 ‘cures’ based on novel gene-based pro-drugs that have a really bad safety profile as per the COVID-19 modified mRNA injectable product test run of late.

. . . the delivery vehicle are the LNPs that as we all well know now, are made with highly-charged cationic lipids - the same ones that are known to have high toxicity profiles in humans. The same ones used to deliver the modified mRNA used in the COVID shots. These LNPs STILL have no study associated with their use in the absence of payload, as far as I am aware. I believe that beyond the toxicity of the cationic lipids, these LNPs are notoriously hazardous based on their potential ability to disrupt the zeta potential of red blood cells