Poisen ivy is very easy to grow and would climb right up that fence. There are also many varieties of cactus that could fill in if the climate proves to harsh for the ivy
The way the wall is now constructed, illegals can climb up the vertical posts. There should be vertical posts for the first 6 feet to enable border patrol’s view and the rest of the way should be solid with spikes at the top or barbed wire.
I just want him to make it so big that it can be seen from space, like the Great wall... and Trump can say Chy-nah again... I love when he says that.
Great wall was to keep the chyneese out of Tartaria
Why can't we build with concrete??
they climb it like monkeys
It can be degraded with acid. DJT has said so,
Poisen ivy is very easy to grow and would climb right up that fence. There are also many varieties of cactus that could fill in if the climate proves to harsh for the ivy
The way the wall is now constructed, illegals can climb up the vertical posts. There should be vertical posts for the first 6 feet to enable border patrol’s view and the rest of the way should be solid with spikes at the top or barbed wire.
It looks like the top six feet is flat steel. Makes it hard to climb and the wall is also wired with sensors!
Oh good yo know. I didn’t know that.
Paint the posts Red and White. Top solid portion blue background with white ✨ stars. WD 40 spray biweekly 15-20 feet above ground.