My first thought ! Yes get rid of the gangs as fast as possible, but they are all criminals. Maybe have tougher agents go after the gangs and the soy boy IRS agents can round up all the others .
Posted this on reddit and the fist response was the bottom is the daddy's of the top. I said that was the woman in the top making bad life choices.
I got kicked and the post taken down. Less than 5 minutes. But they want "open discussion on Trump's deportation politics ".... Guess pointing out 90% of what was being said is false isn't open enough.
the longer these kids stay here, the more of an excuse it will be to keep them here. besides, whose kids are they? probably the children of the men being deported now. do not separate the families, just don't send the kids on cargo planes, we can send them on regular passenger planes. how many are sitting unused out in the desert?
Don't case.
Send them all,home.
My first thought ! Yes get rid of the gangs as fast as possible, but they are all criminals. Maybe have tougher agents go after the gangs and the soy boy IRS agents can round up all the others .
Yes,with the military taking out those big apt. Complexes.
Yes wouldnt that be great to see ;)
Alternate caption:
(Top) Babies, 2008
(Bottom) Same Babies, 2025
The bottom picture came from somewhere.
get the mean ones out FIRST... then do the others.. if the are not legally here, they need to be legally elsewhere.
He can deport them both! The only difference is a few years.
Posted this on reddit and the fist response was the bottom is the daddy's of the top. I said that was the woman in the top making bad life choices.
I got kicked and the post taken down. Less than 5 minutes. But they want "open discussion on Trump's deportation politics ".... Guess pointing out 90% of what was being said is false isn't open enough.
They all need to go home. They can all work together, at home, to make their country great!
the longer these kids stay here, the more of an excuse it will be to keep them here. besides, whose kids are they? probably the children of the men being deported now. do not separate the families, just don't send the kids on cargo planes, we can send them on regular passenger planes. how many are sitting unused out in the desert?
Why not both?