No. If I live 90 minutes away, that's 180 minutes of drive time each day. That could be 180 minutes of looking at government waste, but instead it's spent looking at bumpers. How is that efficient?
They're rejecting some of the potential best and brightest employees simply because well over 99% of patriots that would love to work this job, don't live in D.C. and aren't willing to move their entire family for a temporary stint.
He's picking his talent directly from the swamp rat pool.
When I worked at the Pentagon, I knew civil servants who commuted further than that, believe it or not, the benefits of a gov't job with retirement were a very strong motivator.
Drive to train station, leave car, was one strategy. Rinse repeat. Some drove in from PA.
Not thinking it makes sense for a short term gig. I had an apartment 10 min out by bus; I often ran to work and back. The POAC gym had lockers and showers!
Higher officers with families lived far out. They would drive in way before the rush, and leave way after. Worked long hours, but also spent time at the POAC!
This is not some "lifetime" position though, it's a department that is only to be around for a couple years. Not moving halfway across the country for a gig that has a short lifespan.
No. If I live 90 minutes away, that's 180 minutes of drive time each day. That could be 180 minutes of looking at government waste, but instead it's spent looking at bumpers. How is that efficient?
I dunno, because you don't get paid for the commute, that is part of the service package.
It's OK, it's not for everyone.
They're rejecting some of the potential best and brightest employees simply because well over 99% of patriots that would love to work this job, don't live in D.C. and aren't willing to move their entire family for a temporary stint.
He's picking his talent directly from the swamp rat pool.
I agree with you. Also it probably has a 4 year degree requirement. I don’t need a college degree to find government waste.
Especially since the ones with the high-dollar and fancy-named degrees are likely responsible for most of the waste.
Alright I'll move just to steal a rats chance at a role. Wish me luck!
Yeah, However, LOYAL Dedicated Patriots will make a way to serve if that is their calling.
I'm in Texas, but thinking about it as 5 people have said I'd be perfect and should dedicate my time to help.
Remote would be great however...
When I worked at the Pentagon, I knew civil servants who commuted further than that, believe it or not, the benefits of a gov't job with retirement were a very strong motivator.
Drive to train station, leave car, was one strategy. Rinse repeat. Some drove in from PA.
Not thinking it makes sense for a short term gig. I had an apartment 10 min out by bus; I often ran to work and back. The POAC gym had lockers and showers!
Higher officers with families lived far out. They would drive in way before the rush, and leave way after. Worked long hours, but also spent time at the POAC!
This is not some "lifetime" position though, it's a department that is only to be around for a couple years. Not moving halfway across the country for a gig that has a short lifespan.
I get it. They should offer barracks close to the offices, and liberal transportation home. Like Congresscriters commute.