Crypto Bros in the house?!?
To all the crypto guys that lurk among us. For those of us who are crypto-finance retards, what should we be investing in? WTF is the difference between Bitcoin and all the other shit?!? Help us out! I want to get in on this scam
He just doesnt understand it.
Why did Ripple delete the first 32,000 blocks of their blockchain history ncluding the genesis block?
You dont have memory corruption issues as a blockchain. If something like that happens you are
A: trying to hide something
B: are incompetent to make a trustworthy chain. When it concerns the ledger that cannot EVER fail or you have a faulty history.
C: are completely centralized by 1 party.
Could there be some early transactions Ripple wanted to hide? I wouldnt be surprised.
Half the supply doesnt matter just as long as its a finite supply.
What dapps have been developed on XLM?
What makes it low energy usage? Is it proof of stake or something else?
A quick web search shows that the Stellar Foundation has 50% of the supply which is centralized if XLM is proof of stake. If its centralized, that explains the "low energy usage".
What % of the supply do the top 100 wallets hold in XLM? Thats an important decentralization metric to look at as well.
If XLM was to be used as a currency around the world, whats its plan to scale? Currently it can do a few thousand tps, whats its plan to do millions of tps?
I remember XLM was very popular with Redditors. Reddit set it up to where you could award people in XLM in the last bull run but i hardly ever hear about it on their crypto forum anymore.
Sounds like absolute bullshit when its supposed to be a decentralized blockchain.
Thats a problem if you want to be a currency the world uses. It already has a history of fucking up.
Wow. That is so wrong handshake.
Just look at Ron Paul and all of his followers. Hell Ron sponsored the legislation to let Americans legally buy and hold gold in the early 80s
Ready to retract?
Oh, and it was August 1971 not “1970”. I watched it happen live. (Admit I didn’t understand what was happening at the time).
Wow thats a stupid take. You know very little but Americans sitting in your own bubble.
Libertarians always cared a lot about going off gold standard. Many in the Greatest Generation cared about it. In the 70s it waa primarily the Boomers who didnt give it a second thought once we went off it.
You dont fuck up a currency if you want it to last. This isnt a Silicon Valley startup that you build fast and fix it as you break things. This is something people have to trust immensely for trading value.
It's also something that needs to keep updating as innovations come about. XRP will do well short term because Boomers have always been the most gullible in my lifetime but XRP is not built to last, it's built to be a gateway crypto. You dont need to rely on banks anymore to hold your wealth with crypto.