Wow! Watch:
🚨🚨SEE? OMG! Solid proof of erratic style "drone delay" of dronelike maneuvers controlling helicopter to kill the Saudi diplomats ferried on the helicopter.🚨🚨
Save and spread that proof!
Link to the helicopter’s general flight path:,ae313d
This website lists the owner of the address shown on the map, 811 Lawton St., as the “Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia”:
Other sites and documents list numerous Saudi Arabian diplomats and scholars as residing at 811 Lawton St, such as Fawzy Bukhari (the current cultural attaché):
= = = =
TL/DR: 80% likely helicopter EQUIPPED FOR DRONE CONTROL, got subverted and undermined en-route by MOSSAD! Packed with Saudis. My top video is evidence of drone flight style maneuvers. 80% MOSSAD
As someone posted.
How could Qteam have known?
Project Looking Glass, for those unaware, is a supposed time viewing invention. Able to view all points in space and in time. u/#q3585
Looking Glass could only see one event after 2012, a great awakening of the world. Whether it could see individual events leading up to this is debatable.
Looking glass could only see one outcome after 2012.
Did anyone read (W.Hat) SerialBrain2's decodes?
Q has posted pictures generated by the machine itself.
Q1335 (and others)
"Note the pictures we post are ALL originals.
Think about what that means."
Think about it...
Those original pics showed Q was a Trump inner circle individual, at least Travelling with him on Trump Force 1.
Thanks JT17.
I’d like to go back and review. If you have a link handy, please share.
You lost me with serialbrain. My God man. Have some dignity.
Out of context much?
Anywhere i can read more about only seeing one outcome after 2012?
Here you are: