Not sure I’m tracking with what you are asking. Airlines use VHF and military uses UHF, so when the military pilots are talking to any civilian controlling agency, you hear that controlling agency mic up the military pilots but you don’t hear their response, but the controller does on his UHF
Was this a tranny kamikaze due to Trump's DEI stance regarding the military?
I think so. Trannies are mentally ill.
You’re not going to hear their response because military comms are on UHF frequency
Why would the base not be using uhf too? I would expect both sides to be using it?
Not sure I’m tracking with what you are asking. Airlines use VHF and military uses UHF, so when the military pilots are talking to any civilian controlling agency, you hear that controlling agency mic up the military pilots but you don’t hear their response, but the controller does on his UHF
I may have confused who was requesting the helicopter to land.
Was the person telling the helicopter to land military, or civilian?
I’ll have to listen again as I didn’t hear anyone say PAT25 land.
RTB means back up river. Controller trying to stall the help in harms way?
RTB means return to base.
Yup. The radar help track comes down river.
I also heard the controller ask the Blackhawk to land at Dulles for a few minutes. It just gets stranger.
To me, RTB means back up river. I agree with that.
in military aviation, rtb is Return To Base...
Dulles is like a 40 min drive by road...
ATC started asking planes to go to other airports at the end of the clip...
Were they screaming Alla Arkbar?
Sounds like suicide by plane to me.