It is this pilot's thinking the helicopter had the wrong plane in sight. That may not be so. The helicopter could have been remote controlled with its "pilot" in the remote location.
This pilot doesn't at all mention the obvious ascension of the helo. It's in his video PAT at 002 (200') changes to PAT 003 (300') just before impact. Even in the video of the collision it is observable the the helo is rising.
It does seem clear that the helo pilot accepts responsibility for separation and claims to see the plane... is it to far of a stretch to ask if it was intentional?
+1 I’m not sure why the “professional” pilots reviewing this aren’t saying what your’e writing here. I am saving your comment as I think you might have posted the most important one.
This is best analysis I have seen so far. Nice to here it from actual pilot instead of click chasing youtuber.
It is this pilot's thinking the helicopter had the wrong plane in sight. That may not be so. The helicopter could have been remote controlled with its "pilot" in the remote location.
This pilot doesn't at all mention the obvious ascension of the helo. It's in his video PAT at 002 (200') changes to PAT 003 (300') just before impact. Even in the video of the collision it is observable the the helo is rising.
It does seem clear that the helo pilot accepts responsibility for separation and claims to see the plane... is it to far of a stretch to ask if it was intentional?
+1 I’m not sure why the “professional” pilots reviewing this aren’t saying what your’e writing here. I am saving your comment as I think you might have posted the most important one.