A time of peace, prosperity, freedom, advances in health, science, art and education. Family and local connections will become important again. We will view all humanity as important and life as valuable. Crime will be dealt with fairly and swiftly. Politicians will take a back seat to the people's will.
Luciferians have inverted all that is good and holy in our world. We can't fathom what's to come, because we've never even contemplated it, much less experienced it.
It will take many years post Trump for people to even realize and appreciate what he and all Patriots of Humanity have done.
All of our biggest problems can be linked to the cabal. Now imagine them gone. This isn't about fixing a few of our bigger issues. It's about fixing everything they destroyed and weaponized over a century. Due to scale it will take some time, but since it's all linked it will all be brought down.
In order to go back, we'd have to give up the cell phones, social media, Internet, stores open all hours of the night and 24/7 television.
Anyone else remember 9pm you heard crickets and maybe an 18 wheeler's tires humming on the highway 5 miles away in summer with the windows open- and THAT'S IT?
80s money... and prosperity is what we need in addition to EVERYONE (ascending) and realizing we're all one in spirit and to stop treating ourselves and each other like shit. It's cheap... it's lame... it's NOT who we REALLY are at our core.
Its probably an astrological thing. Meaning we have left the age of pisces (Christianity/Jesus) and are begining the age of aquarius (new dominant global religion for next 2,000 years). Let's see if they set the year back to zero again like they did 2,025 years ago. They do this every couple thousand years or so.
We are coming into a new state of being. The veil will be lifted. You will see we have been held captive, dumbed down, and exploited. Evil will be removed and we will become like gods.
personal, spiritual and financial prosperity.
1 of the main things overlooked by many
No income taxes, way less government interference in life and a booming economy not financing stupid wars. Also the crazies staying in their lane.
A time of peace, prosperity, freedom, advances in health, science, art and education. Family and local connections will become important again. We will view all humanity as important and life as valuable. Crime will be dealt with fairly and swiftly. Politicians will take a back seat to the people's will.
Luciferians have inverted all that is good and holy in our world. We can't fathom what's to come, because we've never even contemplated it, much less experienced it.
It will take many years post Trump for people to even realize and appreciate what he and all Patriots of Humanity have done.
All of our biggest problems can be linked to the cabal. Now imagine them gone. This isn't about fixing a few of our bigger issues. It's about fixing everything they destroyed and weaponized over a century. Due to scale it will take some time, but since it's all linked it will all be brought down.
We are gonna show you a brave new world.
Health. Not paying taxes to child molesters who poison your food and make it illegal to use natural health that has been used for 3 million years
Maybe eggs that don’t cost 20$ a case? Yea. Wait. Maybe not being ruled by demonic money laundering bankers?
Feeling free to research anything without fear of the government.
This image basically sums it up
But...we can never go back.
In order to go back, we'd have to give up the cell phones, social media, Internet, stores open all hours of the night and 24/7 television.
Anyone else remember 9pm you heard crickets and maybe an 18 wheeler's tires humming on the highway 5 miles away in summer with the windows open- and THAT'S IT?
80s money... and prosperity is what we need in addition to EVERYONE (ascending) and realizing we're all one in spirit and to stop treating ourselves and each other like shit. It's cheap... it's lame... it's NOT who we REALLY are at our core.
Its probably an astrological thing. Meaning we have left the age of pisces (Christianity/Jesus) and are begining the age of aquarius (new dominant global religion for next 2,000 years). Let's see if they set the year back to zero again like they did 2,025 years ago. They do this every couple thousand years or so.
Dollar moving to the gold standard, possibly
I think its bigger than we can imagine.
QPost #4966
What is coded in your DNA?
Who put it there?
Mankind is repressed.
We will be repressed no more.
Information is knowledge.
Knowledge is power.
Information is power.
How do you protect your DNA?
There is a war for your DNA.
Protect your DNA.
We are coming into a new state of being. The veil will be lifted. You will see we have been held captive, dumbed down, and exploited. Evil will be removed and we will become like gods.
Psalms 82:4-6
4Free them from the hand of the wicked.
5 They do not know, nor do they understand;
They walk about in darkness;
All the foundations of the earth are unstable.
6 I said, “You are gods"
And all of you are children of the Most High.