For sure keep Black history month. I find that interesting, not divisive. Snd MLK observation is a federal holiday, just like George Washington’s Birthday.
George Washington's and Lincoln's birthdays were combined into one I remember going to school on those days because my birthday is right in between theirs so I don't think they were recognized as federal holidays When I was in High School they made President's day a federal holiday and it's to honor both of their birthdays. Columbus day is also a federal holiday.
As a kid in the 60s, all three days were celebrated. Which ones were holidays, I don't remember, and I had no knowledge of what a federal holiday even was. Regardless, since then, all three days have been effectively eradicated from our collective memory.
This is poor judgment.
These observances were not wokeness. Wokeness pigghy-backed and hijacked them.
This will backfire bigly, as it should. It feeds the false narrative that Trump is racist.
Getting rid of pride month is good, though.
For sure keep Black history month. I find that interesting, not divisive. Snd MLK observation is a federal holiday, just like George Washington’s Birthday.
Except we don't have G. Washington's birthday anymore, or Lincoln's, or Columbus Day. Actually no honor for any white man, or founder of this country.
George Washington's and Lincoln's birthdays were combined into one I remember going to school on those days because my birthday is right in between theirs so I don't think they were recognized as federal holidays When I was in High School they made President's day a federal holiday and it's to honor both of their birthdays. Columbus day is also a federal holiday.
As a kid in the 60s, all three days were celebrated. Which ones were holidays, I don't remember, and I had no knowledge of what a federal holiday even was. Regardless, since then, all three days have been effectively eradicated from our collective memory.