Just an idea. Trump has fired a lot of FBI field agents and DOJ prosecutors today and yesterday. Then he got rid of 51 intelligence agents and pulled their security clearances and forbid them from entering federal buildings. Now he is building up Gitmo to house 30K prisoners. (I doubt it will house illegals) I believe next he will go after corrupt federal judges. Why are all of these moves important? Because if you keep bad investigators, bad prosecutors, and bad judges away from potential high profile criminals there will be less problems in getting them investigated, accused, and tried. When the corrupt legal system has gone away then a truthful legal system has a free reign to make sure there are no obstructions that could derail a fair trial. Also remember all those sealed indictments? They need room at some sort of prison and the ones in the CONUS are full, put them in Gitmo. Plus, I believe these trials will be quick and the defendants will be shipped down to the awaiting prison in Gitmo. The executions would commence shortly afterwards. I just wonder if the defendants will have the ability to appeal. If for treason probably not.
So, look for corrupt federal judges being stripped of their powers in the coming week. If that happens, then soon we will see a lot of traitors being charged with crimes against this country. The MSM is getting weaker and weaker every day, thus their narrative machine is having a hard time churning out probable explanations for Trumps moves. They usually say he is doing something illegal against "OUR DEMOCRACY". Ugh, they need to read our Constitution. Let's not be discouraged about all the planes falling out of the sky right now. It isn't Trump's fault, it is either bad karma on the air industry or the deep state is trying to send America a signal. Trump will not back down to these types of possible threats. Q and the boys have game planned scenarios like this, so they are taking care of deep state actors behind the scenes, we will probably not know about those moves, though.
Pedes, get your popcorn ready, because this show is beginning to get spicy.
How does the head of the Executive branch remove someone in the Judicial branch, short of a lengthy impeachment process through the Legislative branch?
What if those judges appear on the Epstein Island flight logs? Would those judges say "aw, it was just a short weekend trip and I just so happened to be on the tarmac when I was told I could have a free hop down to the Bahamas". Or will they have so much dirt on the judges while on Epsteins Island that they will have to quit being a judge due to the implications? Maybe Trump won't have to physically pull them out of their chair, but they will leave on their own accord.
Only the legislature may remove an Article III Judge. It is done through Impeachment, which in itself does not require actual criminal behavior. But this doesnt mean that an Article III Judge cant be indicted, tried and convicted of Federal crimes. In the case of conviction through the Courts, I would say it would be nearly impossible for the Legislature to not impeach and convict.