British government estimates have claimed that nearly a tenth of all English farmland will need to be ‘rewilded’ by 2050 to hit green agenda targets.
Projections in the government’s “land use framework” said that approximately 760,000 hectares, or around nine per cent of agricultural land in England, will need to “change away from agricultural land for environmental and climate benefits,” the Financial Times reports.
The government report said that to meet climate goals, an additional nine per cent of agricultural land would need to adopt so-called ‘sustainable’ farming practices.
The move could see the UK become even more reliant on foreign imports to meet its food supply needs, with the country already importing around 40 per cent of its food.
I wonder how much less populated england would become if all "refugees" and illegals were kicked out, and if that would leave enough space to start growing some forests over there, without stealing it from farmers that likely have been working that land for centuries more than the US has been a country.
I do not see a problem with this. the government should seize all corporate owned farmland. if the corporation is owned by hedge funds or investment companies, it goes to this re-wilding program. if it is a small mom and pop corporation, it gets returned. pretty simple...
From the article,
British government estimates have claimed that nearly a tenth of all English farmland will need to be ‘rewilded’ by 2050 to hit green agenda targets.
Projections in the government’s “land use framework” said that approximately 760,000 hectares, or around nine per cent of agricultural land in England, will need to “change away from agricultural land for environmental and climate benefits,” the Financial Times reports.
The government report said that to meet climate goals, an additional nine per cent of agricultural land would need to adopt so-called ‘sustainable’ farming practices.
The move could see the UK become even more reliant on foreign imports to meet its food supply needs, with the country already importing around 40 per cent of its food.
It's outsouring food production.
I wonder how much less populated england would become if all "refugees" and illegals were kicked out, and if that would leave enough space to start growing some forests over there, without stealing it from farmers that likely have been working that land for centuries more than the US has been a country.
This is a Blackrock initiated Land grab. It will eventually be flipped to developers to build low income housing for uninvited, unemployable migrants.
What percent of people does 10% of farmers provide food for?
Those ppl have to be rewilded. Back pre-civilization.
I do not see a problem with this. the government should seize all corporate owned farmland. if the corporation is owned by hedge funds or investment companies, it goes to this re-wilding program. if it is a small mom and pop corporation, it gets returned. pretty simple...
I heard if you put goats in those fields, muzzies show up like seagulls to a fishing boat... outta nowhere 😂
They are not stupid. They are malicious.
It would be nice to see some of Britain's old forests return. The idiots cut down every single tree for ships and sheep pasture.