This woman is living proof that California's elections are rigged! She is a hideous person and I cannot imagine anyone voting for her to represent them -not even the blue haired cat ladies could possibly want to be associated with Mad Max, could they?
IF there was EVER a Living & Breathing GIANT MUD-SUCKER IT WOULD BE HER. She has sold her soul to the DEVIL and shows it VERY WELL>....This is what EVIL LOOKS LIKE PHYSICALLY & SPIRITUALY@@@@@@
When they re-do the elections laws, to mandate pre-numbered ballots, same day voting/counting, etc ... can we add a minimum IQ test score for even qualifying to get on the ballot?
This woman is living proof that California's elections are rigged! She is a hideous person and I cannot imagine anyone voting for her to represent them -not even the blue haired cat ladies could possibly want to be associated with Mad Max, could they?
And the next Representative to be censored should be Maxine Waters.
Wait, watch the Waters!!
Add this to Guam tipping over.
That was actually Rep. Hank Johnson Jr.
But they do share the same traits.....
Didn't she wear a pedo ring?
This is fake. Try doing just a little bit of research in the future before you post "news."
Agreed. No way would she use the term "illegal immigrant"
You’re a cunt. Go away.
Years ago I went to a tourist district in Florida and they had a bunch of t-shirts with her ugly mug on them saying, "Auntie Maxine."
IF there was EVER a Living & Breathing GIANT MUD-SUCKER IT WOULD BE HER. She has sold her soul to the DEVIL and shows it VERY WELL>....This is what EVIL LOOKS LIKE PHYSICALLY & SPIRITUALY@@@@@@
When they re-do the elections laws, to mandate pre-numbered ballots, same day voting/counting, etc ... can we add a minimum IQ test score for even qualifying to get on the ballot?
they would do better then she's done. But they need to be like Trump and Co.
That would be a direct violation of her oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
This is one of the main reasons their party should never, ever, be in power again. Until they actually like and take up for America and Americans.