"Probationary employees receiving the email have been working at the agency for less than a year. The emails began to go out on late Wednesday afternoon, according to an EPA union official.
The same message will be sent to other agency workforces, a White House official said. Across the US government, the latest data shows there are more than 220,000 employees on probation."
I credit the EPA and its innumerable piles of regulations with single-handedly crippling the American economy. Let the states handle their own environmental concerns and close the EPA forever.
Ah, but if it's one of their BIG projects, "they" get exceptions. Seen it happen many times: CA High Speed Rail for example.
This is exactly it.
Corporation with a chemical spill? No problem.
Farmer wanting to build a new shed? No way.
Genuine question. What happens with things that involve multiple states? For example the Columbia River is the border of Washington and Oregon. Would their be some sort of federal litigator is there was a dispute?
Don't know, but the states need to work it out between themselves. That's what the Constitution is for.
Yes. Interstate Compacts negotiated by two Governors. No need to involve the other 48 states.
The epa exists (not exclusively) because Ohio was so corrupt and stupid they put so much shit in a river it literally caught on fire.
Think India levels of bad
The epa had a purpose, to not let every idiot just assume the environment was someone else’s problem
But they’ve long since stopped being that
That seems to be the defining nature of all government agencies. Mission creep gradually makes them lose sight of their original charter and reason for being; at which time they should either be closed or repurposed and reset with all new employees.