The world needs more like this man!! Absolute genius in his countrified-good-ol-boy vernacular... scalpel sharp wit with a simpleton delivery technique. Works everytime. God bless this man.
Boy, would I love to sit and talk with Senator John Kennedy. I love everything about him: his common sense, his sense of humor and down-home sayings, his ability to get to the core of his argument rapidly, and everything else.
IDK if I was in his shoes I'd be both pissed and terrified, considering how many of my family has been murdered/sacrificed. Definitely would be working the long game for revenge.
leave it to John Kennedy to come up with something spreading truth
"Tofu-eating wokeratti..!" 🤣 God I love this man. Greatest comedian in congress by far.
The world needs more like this man!! Absolute genius in his countrified-good-ol-boy vernacular... scalpel sharp wit with a simpleton delivery technique. Works everytime. God bless this man.
Wait until then do the Pentagon
$6 Trillion wasn't it?
Boy, would I love to sit and talk with Senator John Kennedy. I love everything about him: his common sense, his sense of humor and down-home sayings, his ability to get to the core of his argument rapidly, and everything else.
IDK if I was in his shoes I'd be both pissed and terrified, considering how many of my family has been murdered/sacrificed. Definitely would be working the long game for revenge.
How long until the libtards in the Senate demand Advise and Consent for Elon’s position?