175 SALT? SALT. SALT! EVERY KIND OF THE BEST SALT ON THE PLANET, HERE! (media.scored.co) - EPIC SALT - posted 1 month ago by catsfive 1 month ago by catsfive +175 / -0 75 comments share 75 comments share save hide report block hide replies
BTW - For anyone that does not know this, if you are having a hard time reading the small print, just hold down you mouse button over the graphic, and drag to the right to resize until large enough to read.
Or just right click and open the image in a new tab. Unless, of course, you're on a goofy phone. In that case, good luck.
updoogle for "goofy phone".
Some butt-ass voted you down. It wasn't me.
Downdooter probably worried about forced removal of IUDs