posted ago by MAG768720 ago by MAG768720 +30 / -2

There are far too many people who have bought into one story or another about viruses.

Natural virus, man-made virus, lab-leaked virus, it doesn't matter. These are all false stories.

This virus "thing" is something we all learned at a very young age. A dangerous virus is floating around in the air, it "gets you" by entering your lungs, somehow causes you to get sick with something (cold, flu, measles, chicken pox, HIV, herpes, whatever), and you are sick from the virus. You can transmit it to others by coughing, sneezing, etc.

We have all been taught this from before we can remember, and our parents, family, friends, teachers, media, schools, and everyone else in society was taught it, too. But ...


How do I KNOW it is wrong? That's what this thread is about.

First, two quotes:

"He who fails to learn from history is condemned to repeat it." -- George Santayana

"The reason we fail to learn from history is that we are lied to about history." -- Harry Browne

You have been lied to. Maybe innocently. Maybe knowingly.

I was, too. We all were.

There are no viruses, no variants, no antibody protections, no viral shedding, no need for masks or lock downs or any other abusive tyranny.

Yes, people DO get sick.

But no, it is not due to a virus.

Almost nobody is looking into other explanations for illness because everyone bought into the virus story.

To be fair, even virologists themselves don't understand this completely -- that they are engaged in a fake, pseudoscience (though it has always been their responsibility to "do science," not dogma).

What about the "experts," such as Robert Malone, who created the MRNA technology, Peter McCullough, Judy Mikovitz, and others who all are confident that viruses exist, are harmful, and made by government for evil purposes?

When challenged, none of them can explain the basic things I will explain here.

All of these people (and more) have been challenged to debate this issue by the "no virus exists" side, and none of them have been willing to do it.


It started about 150 years ago. Researchers had discovered bacteria. They found that when a sick person's blood was studied in a microscope, they found bacteria in the blood.

They (falsely) jumped to the conclusion that the bacteria must be the cause of illness. They never considered that maybe the bacteria came into the blood as a reaction to whatever caused the illness.

If you see a house on fire with firemen around it, do you conclude that the firemen started to fire? Or is it possible they are there to handle the problem? Could bacteria have a similar function? They never seriously considered this concept.

"Germ Theory" was born, which stated that microorganisms are the cause of sickness. Louis Pasteur was the promoter of this theory. The mainstream scientific and medical communities went with Pasteur's theory.

But Pasteur, it turns out, was a fraud. His personal diaries were released (by his son-in-law, who hated him), and it was found that Pasteur wrote in his diaries that none of his experiments actually worked. He rigged everything to get the results that he expected from his theory. So, Germ Theory, which is what all doctors today believe is valid, was a fraud from the beginning.

But they had a problem. Some people were sick, but without any bacteria in their blood. The conclusion was that there must be something even smaller than bacteria, that we cannot see even with a microscope, which is causing the sickness. They called this unseen, invisible thing "virus," which is Latin for "poison."

Over the next several decades, many attempts were made to prove this thing called a virus existed. They could never find it. They tried to prove it existed by proving sick people could transmit their sickness to healthy people. During the Spanish Flu of 1917-18, they put sick people in rooms with healthy people, had them cough, put the saliva and snot of the sick people into the mouths of the healthy people, even used blood transfusions, but they could never make a healthy person sick. NOT ONE TIME.

To this day, there is NO scientific study proving that a sick person can make a healthy person sick.


To understand how the deception works, let's look at how they study bacteria. Yes, bacteria are real. They take a sample of bodily fluid from someone they think has the bacteria, and filter out the large chunks of stuff. Then, they put the remaining fluid into a centrifuge with layers of sugar water with different densities. They spin it at a high rate, and the molecules in the sample are pushed into the density layer that is the closest match for each molecule.

Then, they find where the bacteria layer is, suck it out, wash off the water, and they are left with nothing but the bacteria. Now, they have ONLY the bacteria, which all have the same morphology -- same size and shape.

THIS is what is known as "isolating" the bacteria. Once they have isolated the bacteria from that original bodily fluid, they can study it, run a genetic sequence, etc.

That is how you ISOLATE something. You remove the one thing from everything else, so it is the ONLY thing you have to work with.

But that is NOT how they "find" a virus.


For viruses, they do not do this. They claim they can't do this because "there is not enough there." Which begs the question: How do you KNOW it is there, at all?

Here is what they do to "find" a virus.


They start with a bodily fluid of a sick person. They filter out the big chunks.

But they never isolate anything. Instead, they ADD a MIXTURE OF STUFF to the bodily fluid.

Now, theoretically, there COULD be a virus in the bodily fluid, but they never attempt to isolate it. Instead, they add to this fluid multiple items, including antibiotics that are toxic to kidney cells (key point), bovine serum (which has its own DNA), and other items. They mix this together and then spread it onto "vero cells" (a fancy term for "monkey kidney cells").

They wait a few days, and the vero cells die.

Then they say, "Ah ha! The vero cells died because there was a virus in the bodily fluid sample that killed the cells!"


Let me be clear: This is the ONLY way that a virologist "proves" that a virus exists.

They never consider the idea that those antibiotics (that are toxic to kidney cells) MIGHT have killed the kidney cells.

This has been the ONLY way they "do virology" for 70 years, since 1954, when John Enders came up with this method. Virology was dead by the 1920's because nobody could find or prove anything. But Enders revived it with this process, which has been used by EVERY virologist to "find" EVERY virus since then.

This has been the history of virology since 1954, until 2021 when a virologist had the bright idea of doing a CONTROL STUDY to find out if this process is even valid. More on that later.


Once they "find" a virus, they want to "see" what it looks like.

All they have is a mixture of dead cells and other stuff, which doesn't look like much.

So, they use an electron microscope to supposedly take an image of the virus.

The EM is not like a regular microscope. You cannot simply look through it to see a sample of something. It is a very different process. Here is what they do.

They freeze the mixture to very low temperatures. They color it with a dye. Then, they hit it with electrons, and that creates an image in a photo they can see.

They are no longer looking at the "thing," but rather at an image produced by this process.

What they see are dead cells, some of which have what look like spikes protruding from the cells.

This is what they claim is the "spike protein." It looks like a crown with spikes, which is why it is called "corona" virus -- Spanish for crown.

But what ARE those protrusions? Are they a virus or spikes from a virus? Or are they simply dead tissue, which was ejected from the dying cells? These are called exosomes. It is known that cells eject material from within when they are dying -- especially when poisoned. It is thought to be some sort of communication of warning to other cells that there is poison around here.

Virologists never consider this. They ASSUME they are looking at a picture of a virus.


What about the genetic sequencing of viruses and variants?

They use PCR and a computer program to do this.

I won't get too much into PCR, but will say that most people here know it is not a valid diagnostic tool. On further research, it turns out it actually has no useful purpose AT ALL.

The concept is that you can start with a molecule of something and make copies of that something very quickly. This is done by running it through cycles of heating and cooling. Each cycle doubles the amount of material. After 10 cycles, you have 1,000x. After 20 cycles, you have 1,000,000x, etc.

Turns out, it does NOT make EXACT duplicates. The process itself CREATES additional fragments of DNA, which were never there in the original. It would be like running 1,000 copies of a page in a copy machine, but the output is pages that have added letters and symbols there were never in the original.

This process of creating new strands of material that were never in the original is how they come up with a "new variant."

Keep in mind, they NEVER had an ISOLATED VIRUS in the first place.

I could run a computer program to come up with a genetic sequence of a unicorn. Start with a horse, run the PCR, create new stuff that was never there, and end up with something different.

Abracadabra! I claim to have "found the genetic sequence of a unicorn!" But I never had an actual, real world unicorn to compare my sequence to, so it is nothing but hot air and theory.

There is nothing real about ANY of the genetic sequences because they NEVER have an ISOLATED SAMPLE of the virus to start with or to compare it to.


More than 100 government agencies (FDA, CDC, foreign governments), university virology laboratories, and other virology laboratories around the world have been asked, via FOIA and similar requests, these questions about SARS-CoV-2, measles, chicken pox, Ebola, and other viruses:

  • Do you have any sample of this isolated virus?
  • Do you know of any lab that has a sample of this isolated virus?
  • Do you know of any paper that has been published, which demonstrates the isolation of this virus?

ALL of the responses, in writing, have been, "No."


In April 2021, German virologist Stefan Lanka and his team decided to do the first (in 70 years!) control test to answer questions about whether virologists are REALLY finding viruses or if their method is what creates the end result, which they only THINK is a virus.

They did two experiments.

First, they took the bodily fluid of a person with measles. Then, they followed the process described above, creating the mixture. The monkey kidney cells died, and they used the EM to capture the images.

Second, they did the exact same thing, but this time WITHOUT any bodily fluid from any human. They started by creating the mixture of all those other things, but without any bodily fluid from anyone. If there was a virus in the sick person's fluid, then they should get a different result, since there can't be any virus in this second experiment. The result?


The monkey kidney cells died, just as in the first experiment, and the EM images were identical.

This PROVES that it is not a "virus" that kills the cells or produces the "spike" images, but rather it is the PROCESS ITSELF that virologists use that does it.

They only THINK they are witnessing the effects of a virus, and seeing it in the EM images.

But they are mistaken.


"Cytopathic Effect" is the term used to describe how the PROCESS used is what breaks down and kills the monkey kidney cells. Those antibiotics are probably what actually kills the kidney cells. The EM images only appear to be spikes from a "virus," but are nothing more than cellular debris from the cells pushing out material while they are dying.

The PCR creates its own DNA fragments, which are used to claim that a new ("novel") genetic sequence has been found.

There is no virus.

Virology is nothing but a fraudulent pseudoscience.


Q: OK, so why do I get sick?

A: As long as everyone drinks the virus kool aid, nobody is really trying to answer this question. Could be a lot of things. 70% of Americans are fat, and about 30% are obese or morbidly obese. Most who "died of Covid" had co-morbidities. Could it be that the garbage you have been pushing down your gut for decades creates toxins within your own body, then your body needs to detox, and that is what we call sickness? Could it be that Winter brings less sunshine, which means less Vitamin D, and that triggers a detox? Could it be 5G or other electromagnetic pulses from your TVs, microwave, smartphones, computers, all the electronics in your home add to the toxicity in your environment? Chemicals in your furniture and carpet? Could this be why everyone in your house gets sick at the same time? Maybe humans communicate sickness to each other the way cells do as they die off to warn the other cells of poison in the environment?

If nobody is looking for answers, nobody will find them.

Q: What about so-and-so who claimed to "isolate" the virus?

A: Those claims are false because they are abusing the definition of "isolate." Rather than using "isolate" to mean the separation of one thing from all other things, they are claiming that if they take a bodily fluid of ONE PERSON, then they have "isolated the virus" because it is only from that person. Yes, they have isolated the bodily fluid from the person, but they have NOT isolated the "virus" from the fluid.

We have been lied to about what really makes us sick.

We need to get this right, because if we don't, the medical terrorists will try to psyop you again and again, and try to enslave you.

In-depth video to back up what I have said:


Massive website of resources:
