Yes, and additionally I would add the national parks are a hot spot for archaeological sites covered up, particularly the grand canyon. Why do you think there's so many stories of cities of gold in the Americas.... It was an abundant resource. We can't find those cities anymore because they were dismantled and carted away then buried the rest, history covered up along the way to make it seem like entire civilizations died 100% due to sickness.....
shady dealing with reservations. we're close to some west of the Mississippi. I like to read about their history. lots of broken treaties! one of their interpreters...🤔
New Dept. of Interior head will likely allow oil, gas, water, precious metals, mineral, etc. development on Indian Reservations. If not pilfered, Native Americans will be the wealthiest, healthiest, and longest-living Americans in about 20 years.
Remember, the land belongs to them; It is their sovereign land, they can develop it as they wish and do not ask for permission. Dept. of Interior "goodies" have been used to force them to sign away their natural rights and replace them with a "privilege". Native Americans will be taking their sovereignty back. It will be delicious irony when the American gov't has to buy the gold they hid under the reservations from the Native Americans. No better "reparations", imo.
The National Park system is one of the greatest ideas to come out of the United States, and has become a model for conservation in other countries around the world. Should we really set up mines etc in these areas? What is the value of kids and grown ups alike being inspired by the magnificent splendor of God’s creation in national parks?
Likely untapped large gold deposits in the United State (in no particular order)
Alaska (in National Parks and Preserves blocked from development by Dept. of Interior)
UNDER all large reservoirs along the Colorado River
Grand Canyon
Yellowstone Nat'l Park caldera and UNDER nearly every other National Park in West
UNDER all Indian Reservations west of the Mississippi, but blocked by Dept. of Interior
Nevada, UNDER ALL Federal Lands
Yes, and additionally I would add the national parks are a hot spot for archaeological sites covered up, particularly the grand canyon. Why do you think there's so many stories of cities of gold in the Americas.... It was an abundant resource. We can't find those cities anymore because they were dismantled and carted away then buried the rest, history covered up along the way to make it seem like entire civilizations died 100% due to sickness.....
thanks for the list, and makes sense^
shady dealing with reservations. we're close to some west of the Mississippi. I like to read about their history. lots of broken treaties! one of their interpreters...🤔
IIRC, Q mentioned RedCloud, he's in this picture^
New Dept. of Interior head will likely allow oil, gas, water, precious metals, mineral, etc. development on Indian Reservations. If not pilfered, Native Americans will be the wealthiest, healthiest, and longest-living Americans in about 20 years.
Remember, the land belongs to them; It is their sovereign land, they can develop it as they wish and do not ask for permission. Dept. of Interior "goodies" have been used to force them to sign away their natural rights and replace them with a "privilege". Native Americans will be taking their sovereignty back. It will be delicious irony when the American gov't has to buy the gold they hid under the reservations from the Native Americans. No better "reparations", imo.
The National Park system is one of the greatest ideas to come out of the United States, and has become a model for conservation in other countries around the world. Should we really set up mines etc in these areas? What is the value of kids and grown ups alike being inspired by the magnificent splendor of God’s creation in national parks?
Stay calm, it's not mostly strip mining
You are going to be shocked what we find.