I feel sorry for ALL THE INNOCENT people who are having their cars Vandalized. They just wanted to help the environment. They don't deserve the sudden hate & hostility.
They think that their actions will generate momentum, and cause others to follow suit, but I don’t see it happening. More people are waking up to the left’s bullshit.
Haha...ya. Lefties sell all your expensive shit (houses, cars, planes, yachts, art, jewelry) and donate to all your stupid lefty causes. Keep your hands off our money for your bullshit causes.
Everyday Is A Libtard Road
Now move out of USA, Bitch
Just another old has-been looking for some attention. Who cares? She might have had two decent songs a long time ago.
She was in search of relevance for her fading stardom. Someone needs to mention to her that virtue signaling is so yesterday, like her career.
These people are so stupid. Hard to fathom sometimes.
I feel sorry for ALL THE INNOCENT people who are having their cars Vandalized. They just wanted to help the environment. They don't deserve the sudden hate & hostility.
So following in the footsteps of Alyssa Milano selling her Tesla due to Musk and Nazi's...
only to buy a volkswagon..
Can't make this shit up.
Looks like autumn where she is.
They think that their actions will generate momentum, and cause others to follow suit, but I don’t see it happening. More people are waking up to the left’s bullshit.
What she going to drive now?? A gas guzzling car!! Reeeee!!
So stunning and brave! /s
She really wanted any excuse to get a landcruiser
This is how I want the left to fund all their ideas! Way to set an example!
Haha...ya. Lefties sell all your expensive shit (houses, cars, planes, yachts, art, jewelry) and donate to all your stupid lefty causes. Keep your hands off our money for your bullshit causes.
That'll show Musk!
Crowe who? “Musk” satire
Good. Defund NPR and let the liberals pay for it.
DO IT NOW. I don’t one more of my tax dollars paying for the NPR HATES
what's kidd rock saying about her these days?...
Trying to be relevant.
Crowe who cares go away
Great. That will pay two days of Amy Goodman's massively inflated taxpayer funded salary.
When did she have a song in the top 100, much less 10, last?
She’s. Lousy singer. Lifted up up Star bucks coffee drinkers. By the way 7/11 coffee is better