These two columns arrived in my inbox within a few hours of each other. One is an amazing bit of news about a patient at death's door being saved by a combination of Ivermectin, Fenbendazole and Mebendazole.
The other is about Dr. Makis' X account being hacked in yet another foul attempt by SOMEONE to prevent the truth from getting out about Ivermectin and other very safe, hightly effective, and far more affordable (than mainstream approaches) medicines.
It's hard not to see this as attempted mass-murder by a group who'd rather you or your family members die in agony after being drained of your life savings rather than get well without the terrible side- and after-effects of chemo, radiation, and surgery (some or all of which might be necessary, but not always and not always in the amounts typically prescribed).
. . . My Take…
Do you know what is probably the single most annoying question I get every day?
“Is Fenbendazole safe? My doctor told me it will damage my liver”
Let me summarize:
Stage 4 Melanoma patient with extensive liver metastases told he had 2-3 days left to live, in LIVER FAILURE, was given Ivermectin, Fenbendazole and Mebendazole.
Alive 2 months later with all metastases either shrunk or gone!
If anyone ever tells you that Fenbendazole or Mebendazole will damage the liver, show them this story!
Next, details of the hack, which may still be on-going, and the disappointing "absolute" lack of support from X.
Apparently, X support is stretched too thin to help, or . . . something. Dr. Makis is seriously annoyed. After screenshots and other info about what the hackers are doing, he gives his thoughts about that:
. . . Then they were cross-posting on the two accounts and pumping these fraudulent crypto coins while X (Twitter) Support sat around and did absolutely nothing.
My Take…
They do this for a couple of hours, then delete all the posts. Then do it all over again.
It’s been a frustrating Sunday.
Dr. John Campbell and I have been targeted, our X accounts are hacked, we don’t have access to our Twitter accounts, and X or Twitter support is nowhere to be found.
I guess they went all out on this one.
Anything to stop the information on Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Mebendazole and Cancer getting out. This happens just a few days after our almost two hour interview on Ivermectin and Cancer!
I hesitate to say this, but I’m not impressed with X Support’s lack of response here. Seriously Elon Musk, forget Mars and Grok 3 , if you can’t even get basic security on your own website right.
And that’s as nicely as I can put it.
What are you talking about, canola oil is great. I can run my bio-diesel off it AND eat food products covered in it, it's a wonder product. /sarc
All jokes aside, it's crazy to me this could have ever happened in the first place but, I suppose after the fluoride fraud, they figured they could get away with it.
hahaha Had me until end of first paragraph lol good show
Yeah I do use spend oil/grease in my 6.9 and 6.5 :)
This will get fixed soon I am sure. HHS getting a face lift :)