See, here's the problem with people saying that. You have three test beds for building civilizations
Europe and the places western society as spread to
Africa as a whole continent
South Africa as a place that western society was established, and then taken over by "African" society
Number one continues to prosper despite internal and external factors trying to take it out. Number two has continued to remain the same way thousands of years despite multiple external factors influencing it. And Number three was a properly functioning society until recent history when "something happened" and a different faction took over.
With that laid out, which test group is superior when it comes to building, and maintaining, modern societies? Now, let's dig a little deeper, what do we know about these groups? The answer to that question invalidates the stated theory when it comes to building modern society and would point to "group 1" being superior in that regard.
The people you are referring to (blacks) lived in sub-Saharan Africa, not northern Africa, for most of history.
Sub-Saharan Africa had zero progress as a civilization (or several "civilizations" if you can call small tribes "civilzations") for many thousands of years. They never built a building structure that was over 1 story high. They never invented a written language. They never even invented the wheel. This was all brought to them by the White Europeans.
Once Columbus proved (by action, not theory) that there was a massive continent to the west, and Magellen proved the Earth could be circumnavigated by ship, the race was on by the White Europeans to discover the world they didn't know about before. Part of that discovery was finding out about sub-Saharan Africa, which nobody ever bothered with due to the massive desert.
The Whites brought all the technology with them.
Northern Africa had been inhabited by Whites for thousands of years. They built the ancient pyramids of Egypt, not arabs or blacks. The arabs moved in centuries/milennia later, and the Whites moved out (the original "White flight").
We know this from the writings of ancient historians, as well as the discovery (which has been supressed in modern media and schools) of DNA samples of some of those Egyptian mummies, which showed red hair, blond hair, and DNA similar to White Europeans.
Some of the Whites would later sail north across the Mediterranean to Greece and Rome. These two places, like Egypt, became incredible civilzations.
Meanwhile, life went on with zero accomplishment in sub-Saharan Africa. It would still have no progress at all today, if not for the Whites.
See, here's the problem with people saying that. You have three test beds for building civilizations
Number one continues to prosper despite internal and external factors trying to take it out. Number two has continued to remain the same way thousands of years despite multiple external factors influencing it. And Number three was a properly functioning society until recent history when "something happened" and a different faction took over.
With that laid out, which test group is superior when it comes to building, and maintaining, modern societies? Now, let's dig a little deeper, what do we know about these groups? The answer to that question invalidates the stated theory when it comes to building modern society and would point to "group 1" being superior in that regard.
Close, but not quite.
The people you are referring to (blacks) lived in sub-Saharan Africa, not northern Africa, for most of history.
Sub-Saharan Africa had zero progress as a civilization (or several "civilizations" if you can call small tribes "civilzations") for many thousands of years. They never built a building structure that was over 1 story high. They never invented a written language. They never even invented the wheel. This was all brought to them by the White Europeans.
Once Columbus proved (by action, not theory) that there was a massive continent to the west, and Magellen proved the Earth could be circumnavigated by ship, the race was on by the White Europeans to discover the world they didn't know about before. Part of that discovery was finding out about sub-Saharan Africa, which nobody ever bothered with due to the massive desert.
The Whites brought all the technology with them.
Northern Africa had been inhabited by Whites for thousands of years. They built the ancient pyramids of Egypt, not arabs or blacks. The arabs moved in centuries/milennia later, and the Whites moved out (the original "White flight").
We know this from the writings of ancient historians, as well as the discovery (which has been supressed in modern media and schools) of DNA samples of some of those Egyptian mummies, which showed red hair, blond hair, and DNA similar to White Europeans.
Some of the Whites would later sail north across the Mediterranean to Greece and Rome. These two places, like Egypt, became incredible civilzations.
Meanwhile, life went on with zero accomplishment in sub-Saharan Africa. It would still have no progress at all today, if not for the Whites.
the cabal did that
"it's all just a conspiracy theory!!!11!11"
That's antisemitic!!!!1!!1!1!!!
Number one continues to prosper despite internal and external factors trying to take it out.
who is the alpha?
Progression in 'Civilization', technology, morality, law and order.....