Some people fired for not taking vaccine sued and won, some of them won hundreds of thousands of dollars and some are now multi millionaires.
Trump brought back people dishonorably discharged from the military who refused the vaccine. He gave them BACK PAY, apologized and restored their status
The vaccine was not safe. The vaccine was not effective. The vaccine was not a vaccine.
Many people now have peri / myo carditis, and that has nothing to do with Cardi B
Many women are sterile now.
Many people are now dead
Many now have cancer, and even 700 days after vaccination they still have spike protein being produced by their own bodies causing VAIDS and permanent autoimmune disease...which they did because they "refused to do their own research"
They are stupid, and now they are going to die much sooner than they would had they never believed all governemnts
The cherry on top is that IVERMECTIN was actually the BEST treatment for COVID
And that the consensus now is that the "conspiratards" are the most healthy because they took charge of their own health, they managed their own wellbeing and treatments from 'doing their own research' which the injection-obsessives told them not to do.
That's very accurate!
Remind them that
Guys it’s not billions. It’s trillions, and that’s just recently.
A good one and redit is the perfect spot for it.
But it needs to go everywhere - facebook, twitter, bluesky,whereever Anons are minding the meme cannons
Brilliant 👏