What makes her poor judgment here unacceptable, and your poor judgment in following her for years acceptable? Do these tweets mean she’s a disinfo agent, or enemy intel now? Should one tweet negate any good done by a person and result in their being cut off?
Flipping on people like this looks a lot like “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” rather than righteous action and wise judgement.
None of that is to suggest that she should continue to be followed, only calling the methods by which we judge these things into question. It’s entirely possible we should not consult with any media at all - no forums, no video, no movies, etc, and should very truly only have one mediator between God and ourselves in Jesus, and we hearken there and follow only the Good Shepherd.
Me either. I’m not intending to defend her so much as saying that completely flipping on her over one incident seems like poor judgment, as someone who hasn’t listened to her and doesn’t intend to. Quick flips on people over singular incidents are disturbing, though. We are all flawed to some degree or another.
Welcome to the club anon
Many more turncoats to go. They weave into the narrative. Pretend they are on your side even for years. Then at key points flip
This is what Q meant by ‘sometimes you must show them’.
Yep. And I'm not afraid to admit I was wrong.
You me both, thanks for post.
Many more to go.
We've all been wrong at certain times throughout this whole plan. It's okay and admirable that you can admit it. Thank you.
What makes her poor judgment here unacceptable, and your poor judgment in following her for years acceptable? Do these tweets mean she’s a disinfo agent, or enemy intel now? Should one tweet negate any good done by a person and result in their being cut off?
Flipping on people like this looks a lot like “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” rather than righteous action and wise judgement.
None of that is to suggest that she should continue to be followed, only calling the methods by which we judge these things into question. It’s entirely possible we should not consult with any media at all - no forums, no video, no movies, etc, and should very truly only have one mediator between God and ourselves in Jesus, and we hearken there and follow only the Good Shepherd.
Not real fond of seeing her call everyone who disagrees with her bots and retards
Me either. I’m not intending to defend her so much as saying that completely flipping on her over one incident seems like poor judgment, as someone who hasn’t listened to her and doesn’t intend to. Quick flips on people over singular incidents are disturbing, though. We are all flawed to some degree or another.