Snopes and other articles have discredited this video. It was removed from Youtube for violating community guidelines, which does not jive with the below article.
After the coof twice and flu for the second fucking time in a year I think our government has done really evil shit with vaccinations, therefore while this video was fake, the premise and intent was more likely real than not. Remember: They have to tell us, then they can get away with it.
Snopes and other articles have discredited this video. It was removed from Youtube for violating community guidelines, which does not jive with the below article.
After the coof twice and flu for the second fucking time in a year I think our government has done really evil shit with vaccinations, therefore while this video was fake, the premise and intent was more likely real than not. Remember: They have to tell us, then they can get away with it.
If they have to tell us, but then censor telling us as claiming a hoax, then they didn’t exactly tell us.
We censored this information for your own safety. We love you, just pay your taxes and CONSUME.