And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea. (Mark 9:42)
Well it’s a traditional city plan/layout so yes it’s probably in that category. To be honest the 15m city is how westerners built cities for thousands of years. Even here in America the small town model was based on a small walkable area with a Main Street surrounded by neighborhoods. Then about 1945 we abandoned that for the car-sprawl model. Since then we’ve seen birth rates plummet, debt skyrocket, gays, trans, gang warfare, drugs… maybe it’s time we got back to tradition and looked at traditional towns instead of corporate sprawl and shitty houses built by illegals
Fuck the UK
No....F the corrupt UK Leaders!
Don't worry.
Starmer is on Trump's shit list for many distinct reasons.
The latest being making a secret mineral deal with Z (not legit) and loaning Z a bundle of money in defiance of Trump's actions to end the war.
And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea. (Mark 9:42)
London will be a 15 minute city. Withou us in NATO they would be on their own.
Well it’s a traditional city plan/layout so yes it’s probably in that category. To be honest the 15m city is how westerners built cities for thousands of years. Even here in America the small town model was based on a small walkable area with a Main Street surrounded by neighborhoods. Then about 1945 we abandoned that for the car-sprawl model. Since then we’ve seen birth rates plummet, debt skyrocket, gays, trans, gang warfare, drugs… maybe it’s time we got back to tradition and looked at traditional towns instead of corporate sprawl and shitty houses built by illegals
I’d love to believe this, but it’s fucking London. They’ll be fine without us.
Freedom is dead in the UK. They've finally crossed the line into communism.