RFK talked about the link between MMR and autism for the past 15 years. He's written books about this. When asked if he would give his children the MMR, he said "no." The 180 degree turn is a politician lying to you like any other politician, knifing you in the back. It isn't 14 degree chess. Vaccines are useless junk 👃 poison. Stop cucking for betrayal. This ain't MAHA
People are losing faith quickly when shit like this happens and how can we possibly defend the garbage? Its really making the hopium run dry as a post op tranny
All we can do is call it out. The absolute worst thing we can do is make excuses for it, like others in this thread are attempting to do. No, we don't need to inject monkey DNA, formeldahde, polyethylene glycol, and other garbage tested on aborted fetal cells to manufacure the MMR garbage. We don't have to fucking tolerate that, and we won't. Those attempting to twist themselves into a mental pretzel to make excuses for it are still trapped in normieville and have learned nothing, which is astonishing coming out of covid
I know Fren , it’s tough seeing ice going into places where there’s 4 to 5 thousand in one hotel and only arresting ,, this last time 4 guys . The others , thousands were left in the 189.00 a night hotel, they have been housing million or so for years in our hotels here . Why couldn’t they send all 4 thousand back on a plane like they got here . That’s only one place there are dozens of hotels in hotel circle and Point Loma all over San Diego . There are 100 of thousands thst they settled into San Bernardino riverside and other places , they took over communities it’s crazy ! Ice goes in and leaves thousands and thousands and takes out 2 or 4 ! I just really believed they were going to do mass deportations . But these people have been taken from hotels and are settled in apts and houses. They are shopping in stores and kids now in schools . It disheartening, but nothing I can do, no sense being pissed ! It is what it is . The grocery store where I live in an affluent neighborhood in San Diego has two of them working in the store , they are not Mexicans they are dark skinned from SA got here last year they told a Spanish speaking customer in parking lot , they speak no English. They keep to themselves , stocking shelves and getting carts , they are pleasant looking , not sure how they are on the books it’s a smart and final so they are on books . So they got SS card some how. Or on some kind of program I guess who knows , But there’s millions in Cali . Anyway as I said it is what it is! Thr y are settling in like tge 30 million Mexicans did many years ago . Nothing will change as far as my gratefulness for our President !
Vaccines contain stepped on viruses. The virus is harmed or killed to allow the body to see it and build a treatment for it.
MRNA uses RNA replication in the cells to produce the spike protein that does the harm from covid. So they are forcing the body to produce the thing that kills/damages the body. They also "Updated" the medical term to call this a vaccine. It contains none of the concept of a vaccine and is gene therapy.
All the animals and humans died in the first MRNA trials. A couple of guys did 'live' but they had to live through massive heart attacks and were dead for a few minutes. 2013 ish time frame.
"It is estimated that, prior to the current vaccine, the reported U.S. incidence was at least 12,000 measles-related deaths each year and up to 4 million people were infected annually. Among the reported cases of measles, 8,000 were hospitalized and a thousand suffered encephalitis as a serious and often fatal complication. Up to 75% of measles deaths were of children younger than 5 years old. Prior to the 1950s, nearly all children got the measles and developed active immunity from the active disease (unless they died)."
4,000,000 infected annually. 8,000 Hospitalized Again It's 2 %
Sorry it took so long to locate my most recent source.
The 4,000,000 estimate for measles cases is pretty high.
Reported cases of measles peaked right around 1960 at around 500,000. Though obviously there would be many unreported cases, as I said earlier.
But I've never seen anything saying that there were 4,000,000 cases of measles annually, even estimating unreported cases.
That's the thing with compiling statistics. You don't just use some arbitrary number someone pulled out of their ass. You compare reported hospitalized cases to reported cases.
MMR is not MRNA like the Covid shots. Not that you should be getting either, but they are very different. MMR has been around since 70.
MMR : Measles , Mumps , Rubella .
This is the vax that often leads to autism. They give them all at once with triple the adjuvants.
All at once because all in the same vial. Are you certain "with triple the adjuvants." is Correct ?
They're all in one shot. Which is 1/3 the adjuvants than if they were in 3 different shots.
Which adjuvants do you believe to be the culprit?
Thank you. I didn't know what the hell MMR was abbreviated for.
🧐 Seriously?
RFK talked about the link between MMR and autism for the past 15 years. He's written books about this. When asked if he would give his children the MMR, he said "no." The 180 degree turn is a politician lying to you like any other politician, knifing you in the back. It isn't 14 degree chess. Vaccines are useless junk 👃 poison. Stop cucking for betrayal. This ain't MAHA
People are losing faith quickly when shit like this happens and how can we possibly defend the garbage? Its really making the hopium run dry as a post op tranny
All we can do is call it out. The absolute worst thing we can do is make excuses for it, like others in this thread are attempting to do. No, we don't need to inject monkey DNA, formeldahde, polyethylene glycol, and other garbage tested on aborted fetal cells to manufacure the MMR garbage. We don't have to fucking tolerate that, and we won't. Those attempting to twist themselves into a mental pretzel to make excuses for it are still trapped in normieville and have learned nothing, which is astonishing coming out of covid
^ This.
Thank you ,, so tired of the defenders !
100 percent , so fkn tired of people making excuses ,, optics Misinformation etc . It is what you said we were betrayed !
Kinda' goes against your GA handle, you're not supposed to stop believing
I know Fren , it’s tough seeing ice going into places where there’s 4 to 5 thousand in one hotel and only arresting ,, this last time 4 guys . The others , thousands were left in the 189.00 a night hotel, they have been housing million or so for years in our hotels here . Why couldn’t they send all 4 thousand back on a plane like they got here . That’s only one place there are dozens of hotels in hotel circle and Point Loma all over San Diego . There are 100 of thousands thst they settled into San Bernardino riverside and other places , they took over communities it’s crazy ! Ice goes in and leaves thousands and thousands and takes out 2 or 4 ! I just really believed they were going to do mass deportations . But these people have been taken from hotels and are settled in apts and houses. They are shopping in stores and kids now in schools . It disheartening, but nothing I can do, no sense being pissed ! It is what it is . The grocery store where I live in an affluent neighborhood in San Diego has two of them working in the store , they are not Mexicans they are dark skinned from SA got here last year they told a Spanish speaking customer in parking lot , they speak no English. They keep to themselves , stocking shelves and getting carts , they are pleasant looking , not sure how they are on the books it’s a smart and final so they are on books . So they got SS card some how. Or on some kind of program I guess who knows , But there’s millions in Cali . Anyway as I said it is what it is! Thr y are settling in like tge 30 million Mexicans did many years ago . Nothing will change as far as my gratefulness for our President !
Vaccines contain stepped on viruses. The virus is harmed or killed to allow the body to see it and build a treatment for it.
MRNA uses RNA replication in the cells to produce the spike protein that does the harm from covid. So they are forcing the body to produce the thing that kills/damages the body. They also "Updated" the medical term to call this a vaccine. It contains none of the concept of a vaccine and is gene therapy.
All the animals and humans died in the first MRNA trials. A couple of guys did 'live' but they had to live through massive heart attacks and were dead for a few minutes. 2013 ish time frame.
When the hospitalization rate was below 2% in the 1960's and death very rare they finally got the vaccine .
Where is this 2% coming from? I'm seeing 25% in what I'm reading.
Neither I nor any friends were ever hospitalized.
Well, I'm happy that you and your friends didn't have to be hospitalized.
Has absolutely zero to do with what the hospitalization rate was/is, but yeah, happy to know that...
25% from AI listing for current cases.
Interesting that the same percentage of cases need hospitalization now for measles that they did back in the 1960s.
(I didn't get my info from AI, though.)
Is that where you got your original 2% number from? AI?
"It is estimated that, prior to the current vaccine, the reported U.S. incidence was at least 12,000 measles-related deaths each year and up to 4 million people were infected annually. Among the reported cases of measles, 8,000 were hospitalized and a thousand suffered encephalitis as a serious and often fatal complication. Up to 75% of measles deaths were of children younger than 5 years old. Prior to the 1950s, nearly all children got the measles and developed active immunity from the active disease (unless they died)."
4,000,000 infected annually. 8,000 Hospitalized Again It's 2 %
Sorry it took so long to locate my most recent source.
The 4,000,000 estimate for measles cases is pretty high.
Reported cases of measles peaked right around 1960 at around 500,000. Though obviously there would be many unreported cases, as I said earlier.
But I've never seen anything saying that there were 4,000,000 cases of measles annually, even estimating unreported cases.
That's the thing with compiling statistics. You don't just use some arbitrary number someone pulled out of their ass. You compare reported hospitalized cases to reported cases.
It's Staistics 101.
Also, you need to recheck your math. 8,000 out of 4,000,000 is not 2%.
Ok, and where exactly did that come from? It's just a copy/paste. From where?
Even still...Merck and GlaxoSmithKline manufacture the MMR vaccine