Thanks for the vid link. I am wondering if the current state of Francis's health is the result of his subversive tactics while sitting the chair of Peter. IMO, he is deserving of what he currently has.
My Opinion is the Pope is a communist Marxist. When he was first elected I heard him speak and shuddered. This man is evil. His push for equity, and shielding pedophiles, open border policy for you and not for him, and the strange way Pope Benedict was treated all point to something evil.
The Jesuits are also “shapeshifters” in society where they come in, act like they are with the current locals and then once they get into power their true agenda comes out.
I never knew most Catholics don’t read the Bible. I know a lot of them are Dems. They also seem to be flaky on Trump. Not saying all, but the ones I know are either Dem or flaky for Trump. Kind of can’t stand them anymore after the Pope embraced the LGBTQ stuff and the open borders while hoarding gold like Smaug.
"I never knew most Catholics don’t read the Bible."
Can confirm. My mother had a Catholic friend and they got to talking about the Bible one day. The friend said she knew nothing about the Bible, and only read a prayer book. She went to church, too, so she wasn't on the sidelines like a lot of folks.
I worked for a time in a bookstore and had many Catholics ask for my help. They were all interested in reading the Bible, but were flummoxed by all of the different versions. I always asked whether they were Catholic or not, so I could point them to the correct section. Most weren't even aware that there were specific Catholic versions of the Bible. At times I felt like I knew more about their religion than they did.
He's a lot more careful about expressing his own thoughts on these matters nowadays, can't say I blame him.
Just say it! The Pope is not a Christian, so he comes in the spirit of Antichrist! He is not THE Antichrist, he just is fallen.
All he needed was a few drinks.
Thanks for the vid link. I am wondering if the current state of Francis's health is the result of his subversive tactics while sitting the chair of Peter. IMO, he is deserving of what he currently has.
The demon is an install. Just saying.
My Opinion is the Pope is a communist Marxist. When he was first elected I heard him speak and shuddered. This man is evil. His push for equity, and shielding pedophiles, open border policy for you and not for him, and the strange way Pope Benedict was treated all point to something evil.
Can't tell if Gibson's on drugs or if he's always that fidgety
Probably well caffeinated
He’s always that fidgety. Watch other interviews.
The Vatican II allowed this mess.
The Jesuits are also “shapeshifters” in society where they come in, act like they are with the current locals and then once they get into power their true agenda comes out.
I never knew most Catholics don’t read the Bible. I know a lot of them are Dems. They also seem to be flaky on Trump. Not saying all, but the ones I know are either Dem or flaky for Trump. Kind of can’t stand them anymore after the Pope embraced the LGBTQ stuff and the open borders while hoarding gold like Smaug.
"I never knew most Catholics don’t read the Bible."
Can confirm. My mother had a Catholic friend and they got to talking about the Bible one day. The friend said she knew nothing about the Bible, and only read a prayer book. She went to church, too, so she wasn't on the sidelines like a lot of folks.
I worked for a time in a bookstore and had many Catholics ask for my help. They were all interested in reading the Bible, but were flummoxed by all of the different versions. I always asked whether they were Catholic or not, so I could point them to the correct section. Most weren't even aware that there were specific Catholic versions of the Bible. At times I felt like I knew more about their religion than they did.