If Crimes were like Beer, this list of her Crimes would be an Ultralight, an since the DemonRats chose to Delete the Statute of Limitations, we should gather together any an all Accusations, Evidence, and any other Data about all of the crimes she has committed across her entire Professional Life....
Everything from Stealing Watergate Papers, an Keeping the Book that ha tons of info on many very important and powerful people, to Mina Arkansas an her Raping little Girls on the Tarmac, to her putting out a hit on JFK jr, an all of those people who knew her, and ""Committed Suicide""....
KILLERY IS just Pure Evil, and a vile Demon at best....
Holy F !!
I sit here listening and I can feel the Panic setting in.
Buh-bye Comey. Go and stand in the trees near a Satanic symbol or something. That's prolly the best you've got right now.
If Crimes were like Beer, this list of her Crimes would be an Ultralight, an since the DemonRats chose to Delete the Statute of Limitations, we should gather together any an all Accusations, Evidence, and any other Data about all of the crimes she has committed across her entire Professional Life....
Everything from Stealing Watergate Papers, an Keeping the Book that ha tons of info on many very important and powerful people, to Mina Arkansas an her Raping little Girls on the Tarmac, to her putting out a hit on JFK jr, an all of those people who knew her, and ""Committed Suicide""....
KILLERY IS just Pure Evil, and a vile Demon at best....
Important to note this is from 2016, and nothing was ever done about it.