There are several black races (mostly immigrants) who don't get along with each other. The English Whites are not exactly best buddies with the Dutch Whites either. Not so simple as draw a line on a map.
Oh, I'm aware of that. There are multiple tribes in South Africa alone. But they have taken a lynch-mob attitude toward (e.g.) Zambians and Ugandans working in SA, under the umbrage that they are "stealing" jobs from the layabout locals.
It would be surprising if there was much good blood between the Boers and their oppressors. I am mindful of the Irish and the British.
Blacks don't have any guns or money to fight anything. They wouldn't last 3 weeks.
The demons use loud mouth negros to talk foolishness to forment a skirmish that's meant to enable them to steal everything thing.
300 years and that nation can't solve their problems?
That makes no sense.
Man, you need to read up on the battle of Isandlwana, where 20,000 Zulu warriors defeated (killed) 18,000 armed British troops. They had only assigai spears and ox-hide shields. Present-day brigands can break into armories and steal weapons, overpower local forces and take their weapons, and traffic with black-market troublemakers (no shortage in Africa) to obtain weapons from Angola and Mozambique. They attack unarmed civilians and "necklace" them. Tires and petrol...and a match. Even otherwise peace-loving Zambia had roving gangs of armed factions up to the last election. You sound like Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer: "These natives will be a pushover." History is against you.
All this didn't stop Robert Mugabe from imposing a reign of terror and driving out the white farmers from Zimbabwe, plunging the nation into starvation and penury.
What gives you the idea that any passage of time will solve a nation's problems? We've been around for ~250 years and, boy, do we have problems!
It's not as simple as Blacks v. Whites
There are several black races (mostly immigrants) who don't get along with each other. The English Whites are not exactly best buddies with the Dutch Whites either. Not so simple as draw a line on a map.
Oh, I'm aware of that. There are multiple tribes in South Africa alone. But they have taken a lynch-mob attitude toward (e.g.) Zambians and Ugandans working in SA, under the umbrage that they are "stealing" jobs from the layabout locals.
It would be surprising if there was much good blood between the Boers and their oppressors. I am mindful of the Irish and the British.
Blacks don't have any guns or money to fight anything. They wouldn't last 3 weeks. The demons use loud mouth negros to talk foolishness to forment a skirmish that's meant to enable them to steal everything thing. 300 years and that nation can't solve their problems? That makes no sense.
Man, you need to read up on the battle of Isandlwana, where 20,000 Zulu warriors defeated (killed) 18,000 armed British troops. They had only assigai spears and ox-hide shields. Present-day brigands can break into armories and steal weapons, overpower local forces and take their weapons, and traffic with black-market troublemakers (no shortage in Africa) to obtain weapons from Angola and Mozambique. They attack unarmed civilians and "necklace" them. Tires and petrol...and a match. Even otherwise peace-loving Zambia had roving gangs of armed factions up to the last election. You sound like Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer: "These natives will be a pushover." History is against you.
All this didn't stop Robert Mugabe from imposing a reign of terror and driving out the white farmers from Zimbabwe, plunging the nation into starvation and penury.
What gives you the idea that any passage of time will solve a nation's problems? We've been around for ~250 years and, boy, do we have problems!