Multiple States Move To Recognize Gold & Silver As Legal Currency
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“The Goldback solves a 2,600 year old problem in that gold can be spent in small, interchangeable increments.”
If gold (now $93/gram) goes over $100/gram
gold will weigh less than an equal value of $100 bills.
A gram of gold and a $100 bill weigh about the same.
Yes, a bill is 1 grams new.
FYI, in case anybody didn't know courtesy of Google AI twat:
In the context of gold and other precious metals, a "grain" is a unit of mass, historically based on the weight of a single grain of barley or wheat, and now defined as 64.79891 milligrams.
Historical Origins:
The grain unit of mass has roots in the Bronze Age and was used to measure the weight of things like barley or wheat grains.
Modern Definition:
Today, a grain is defined as exactly 64.79891 milligrams.
Use in Precious Metals:
While not the primary unit for measuring gold in today's market (which often uses grams or troy ounces), grains are used as a smaller unit of measurement, especially when dealing with very small quantities of gold or other precious metals.
Troy Weight System:
The grain is a unit in the troy weight system, which is commonly used for precious metals.
Funny thing
The Metric System was invented to make base 10 math by hand easy ---- but we have to use obscure units to do this.
No one today --- does base 10 math by hand.
The units are still obscure and the verbiage is cumbersome to say ----- mile vs kil-o-me-ter, inch vs cen-ti-me-ter.
I know. I have to use both somewhat fluently for work. It's definitely made American's brains wired differently. However, there are plenty who still can't read a tape and even less that know decimal equivalents off the top of their head...
I still have to cheat tho when it comes to estimating in metrique... for instance, I don't intuitively know something 18" long is around 400 mm, because I didn't grow up using it. On the surface it makes sense...
Thanks! I'll check it out 🍻
Goldbacks are an interesting currency. You need to have them from every State and then the Federal Reserve can go pound sand.
They are a "certificate" ------ not a "note" of debt
IMO money vs fiat currency