129 Who Wore it Better?? Their Both the Same Picture… And Discerning Minds Know They are Both a SHOW !!!🤔🤨 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 16 days ago by Oldpatriot 16 days ago by Oldpatriot +129 / -0 6 comments download share 6 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Pee-wee Herman (Paul Reubens)
✔️ Actor ✔️ Sex Offender ✔️ Voice like nails down the chalkboard
Maybe they really are the same picture...
Both were masterbating in a porn theatre. One went for the gay. Pee-Wee went for the girls.
The phagg wore it better. Oh, sorry, Ms. Trudeau, didn't mean to demean you.
Justin is such a wimp. His wife couldn't stand him so she found another man who could satisfy her.