Meanwhile, hard working Americans are TOTALLY IN THE HOLE, strapped with debt, unemployed or underemployed - trying to figure out HOW the hell they're even going to eat, let alone anything else...
The "spare change" jar got emptied out LONG ago...
I'm not joking in the least bit. This is so fkd up right now and EVERYTHING is STUPID expensive...
I'm practically SEETHING right now as I do taxes (Fuck them all BTW - ALL taxation is THEFT! Especially in light of USAIDs)
A billion here and there, after a while it adds up. I'm wondering what the deep state is doing with all of the trillions of dollars. They have enough to make their live comfortable for the rest of their lives, so it must be to keep all the other people on the planet.....poor.
Hold the head of the navy and whomever disperses the funds financially accountable. Until we start making it clear that they are accountable, that we won’t accept a shrug of the soldiers and an, “Oh well,”.that they will be criminally prosecuted for theft in office, nothing will change. They should be given a date funds will transfer for said project and they must immediately sign off on acceptance of the funds or report non-receipt.
I heard on X someone talking the cut to national parks. There was an Xfer who said allocated money for equipment to fix and built trails but the money all disappeared. Sound familiar?
they are the new stealth kind........cant see them
Revel makes a kit, very similar to the Stealth Bomber...
You open up the kit box and at first, you only see a tube of modelling glue.
You sniff the glue...and you see the sub appear right before your eyes.
But seriously....
12 Billion dollars...
$1,200 MILLION dollars...
Meanwhile, hard working Americans are TOTALLY IN THE HOLE, strapped with debt, unemployed or underemployed - trying to figure out HOW the hell they're even going to eat, let alone anything else...
The "spare change" jar got emptied out LONG ago...
I'm not joking in the least bit. This is so fkd up right now and EVERYTHING is STUPID expensive...
I'm practically SEETHING right now as I do taxes (Fuck them all BTW - ALL taxation is THEFT! Especially in light of USAIDs)
I pray that this is true:
your not alone
Emperor's new clothes, you mean?
Submarines were the first and original stealth combat system. Still are. They weren't called "The Silent Service" for nothing.
A billion here and there, after a while it adds up. I'm wondering what the deep state is doing with all of the trillions of dollars. They have enough to make their live comfortable for the rest of their lives, so it must be to keep all the other people on the planet.....poor.
They need their secret bunkers fill with essentials for the next 200 years.
Hold the head of the navy and whomever disperses the funds financially accountable. Until we start making it clear that they are accountable, that we won’t accept a shrug of the soldiers and an, “Oh well,”.that they will be criminally prosecuted for theft in office, nothing will change. They should be given a date funds will transfer for said project and they must immediately sign off on acceptance of the funds or report non-receipt.
Plus we will liquidate their property and pay as much back as possible. Do you know that is what they do with bad contractors?
Twelve thousand MILLION dollars unaccounted for? At what point do we get our torches and pitchforks? Kek
Don't need torches or pitchforks. We at least got 22.
No one to build them - GE Electric boat laying off or not hiring…
I heard on X someone talking the cut to national parks. There was an Xfer who said allocated money for equipment to fix and built trails but the money all disappeared. Sound familiar?
I'm still wondering about Obummer's $1 Trillion shovel ready infrastructure improvements. Where did all that $$$ go?
$1 Trillion
Big Mike's pocket?