38 Calling all Electionfags! What would happen if they decertified the 2020 Election because of fraud? 3rd Term? (twitter.com) posted 16 days ago by Irishman4Trump6 16 days ago by Irishman4Trump6 +38 / -0 9 comments share 9 comments share save hide report block hide replies
All the bills and EO’s Biden signed should become null and void. But, predictably, some courts would try to block actions to summarily cancel them.
Pretty sure trump already nullified Biden’s EOs
Obumma was serving a 3rd term. All his actions will be nullified, 12 years down the drain. jmo
Biden's presidency was fake, just a show for the normies.
i wanna see them bag all the ones behind and driving the fraud
AND...an EXTRA term for penance...
Just like HRC paid rothtwats in the email
No dates. No witness. Incomplete filled forms.
No votes.
Bidan’s presidency will be annulled. The diamonds will be returned. The most important diamonds are the justice and the judges.
Wouldn't Biden's orders become null and void? Wouldn't his entire presidency?