Rashida Tlaib Casts Lone Vote Against Bill Requiring Reports on Cartel Smuggling Tunnels Under Border
U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) cast the only no vote on a bill requiring an annual report to Congress on cross-border cartel smuggling tunnels. The bill, H.R. 495, passed the House Monday on a vote of 402-1. | Border / Cartel Chronicles
You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a fucking cunt!
It's weirder that 495 of them all agreed on something for once. Makes you go hmmm..
Sort of like the unanimous vote for Rubio.
How much $$$ did the cartels promise these people? Something smells off, yet I haven't considered any aspects of this vote yet.
Get this bitch out of here.
We need border catapults. Start by loading this this bitch in and launch her right over the wall!
But yet Trump ended our ability to track rogue cops?