That's the difference, Judiasm doesn't believe the Messiah has ever came, and is still in wait, it would depend on the re-establishment of the Jewish Temple (Beith Hamikdash).
But Messiah is still King, who will come from among the living and/or from among the dead, even as (according to tradition) he sits by the riverside, washing his wounds only one at a time because he may be called at any moment.
Jews need to reclaim "Christ is King" for themselves. The Lubavitchers have. Mashiach Now!
According to tradition, he doesn’t need the Beith Hamikdash standing to step into his role. Maimonides says he’ll build it - not a condition for his coming, but a mark of his reign. Take King Herod: he rebuilt the Temple, grander than before, yet tradition never crowns him Messiah—lacking David’s line and redemption’s spirit, he was no king of ours. Imagine the true one, as some say, by the riverside, washing his wounds one at a time, not borrowed from elsewhere. And yet history brings caution: there’s deep fear in assimilation, stretching back to the Hellenization of the Greeks and led to the Maccabean Revolt; and in Spain, conversion couldn’t erase the cultural identity, only deepened the dread.
The trick is this. Schneersohn never claimed to be Messiah because he knew it was the Messiah's job not to claim it for himself! He aspired to be the final Rebbe and final Messiah but, as he told Netanyahu, all one can do is hasten every moment to do what is fitting for the Messiah being revealed. This required his sect to quietly permit two competing views, one that he is now the final Messiah (which is good because it makes them come to grips with how Messiah may come from the dead according to Talmudic tradition); and one that he is not yet the final Messiah (which is good because they still demand Messiah be revealed immediately). In keeping with Schneersohn's Talmudic view that "this and this" are both God's words, these coexist and must find the harmony (for instance, there is no problem saying Schneersohn was "the Messiah for his generation" as David and Hezekiah were).
Therefore when the Lubavitchers sing "Our very eyes will see the Rebbe King Moshiach walking into shul", they can be encouraged to work out the harmony of their views for themselves. The whole offense of OP, and of the Lubavitchers separately, is not usually their slogans but those who specifically identify which Messiah we're talking about. The point of Messiah is for people to recognize and accept him of their own freewill without any pressure or influence from outside of themselves: and when they realize they have, they will also realize it was a new birth event that both came naturally by their responses and was brought about wholly by another. You like "not either/or but both/and", right?
Sanhedrin 98a:16: Said to: When Messiah come? Said to him: Go ask him. And where is he sitting? At the entrance of Rome. And what is his sign? He sits among the poor who suffer from illnesses. And all of them untie and tie at once, unties one and ties one. He says: Perhaps I will be needed that I will not be delayed.
Sanhedrin 98b:13-15: Messiah .... Rav Nahman says: If is among the living such as me, as it is stated: “And their prince shall be of themselves, and their governor shall proceed from their midst”. Rav says: If is among the living such as our saintly Rabbi. If is among the dead such as Daniel, the beloved man.
There are standard implications read into these clauses, for instance the river for washing the wounds is mentioned earlier on the page, and the Messiah's practice is implied as being not to untie all his bandages at once.
Because the Ashkenazim do not actually subscribe to the Jewish faith.
They are a nation (Kazaria) who adopted Judaism as a camouflage before the nation was destroyed. They rate the Talmud above the Bible when it comes to their "faith", and they are just as hypocritical as the Muslims who think that lying to non-Muslims is OK, but lying to Muslims isn't.
(yawn) No, the merger of Khazars and Jews over a millennium ago does not mean the Ashkenazim ever at any time ceased to be accepted as Jews by the whole of Judaism. Every other people group is allowed to define itself, but othering of Jews seems to come up quite frequently when people seem to claim some right to say you're not what race your own community all agrees you are.
(yawn) They don't rate the Talmud above the Bible (Tanakh), they regard it as more significant for daily living because it contains case law rather than general principles.
Yes, the idea of lying to outsiders is common in Judaism, Islam, and Christianity where it is called "reserve" and "Jesuitry".
And, on point, Ashkenazim believe Messiah is the future king.
Isn't "Christ is King" the 12th of the 13 principles of Judaism? Ani ma'amin b'vi'at haMashiach. I wonder what's so anti-Semitic about it.
That's the difference, Judiasm doesn't believe the Messiah has ever came, and is still in wait, it would depend on the re-establishment of the Jewish Temple (Beith Hamikdash).
But Messiah is still King, who will come from among the living and/or from among the dead, even as (according to tradition) he sits by the riverside, washing his wounds only one at a time because he may be called at any moment.
Jews need to reclaim "Christ is King" for themselves. The Lubavitchers have. Mashiach Now!
According to tradition, he doesn’t need the Beith Hamikdash standing to step into his role. Maimonides says he’ll build it - not a condition for his coming, but a mark of his reign. Take King Herod: he rebuilt the Temple, grander than before, yet tradition never crowns him Messiah—lacking David’s line and redemption’s spirit, he was no king of ours. Imagine the true one, as some say, by the riverside, washing his wounds one at a time, not borrowed from elsewhere. And yet history brings caution: there’s deep fear in assimilation, stretching back to the Hellenization of the Greeks and led to the Maccabean Revolt; and in Spain, conversion couldn’t erase the cultural identity, only deepened the dread.
Sauce on the Lubavitchers, please?
Sure. Wikipedia "Chabad messianism" cites this report about a 2002 Lubavitcher songbook for instance.
The trick is this. Schneersohn never claimed to be Messiah because he knew it was the Messiah's job not to claim it for himself! He aspired to be the final Rebbe and final Messiah but, as he told Netanyahu, all one can do is hasten every moment to do what is fitting for the Messiah being revealed. This required his sect to quietly permit two competing views, one that he is now the final Messiah (which is good because it makes them come to grips with how Messiah may come from the dead according to Talmudic tradition); and one that he is not yet the final Messiah (which is good because they still demand Messiah be revealed immediately). In keeping with Schneersohn's Talmudic view that "this and this" are both God's words, these coexist and must find the harmony (for instance, there is no problem saying Schneersohn was "the Messiah for his generation" as David and Hezekiah were).
Therefore when the Lubavitchers sing "Our very eyes will see the Rebbe King Moshiach walking into shul", they can be encouraged to work out the harmony of their views for themselves. The whole offense of OP, and of the Lubavitchers separately, is not usually their slogans but those who specifically identify which Messiah we're talking about. The point of Messiah is for people to recognize and accept him of their own freewill without any pressure or influence from outside of themselves: and when they realize they have, they will also realize it was a new birth event that both came naturally by their responses and was brought about wholly by another. You like "not either/or but both/and", right?
The Jewish traditions are:
Sanhedrin 98a:16: Said to: When Messiah come? Said to him: Go ask him. And where is he sitting? At the entrance of Rome. And what is his sign? He sits among the poor who suffer from illnesses. And all of them untie and tie at once, unties one and ties one. He says: Perhaps I will be needed that I will not be delayed.
Sanhedrin 98b:13-15: Messiah .... Rav Nahman says: If is among the living such as me, as it is stated: “And their prince shall be of themselves, and their governor shall proceed from their midst”. Rav says: If is among the living such as our saintly Rabbi. If is among the dead such as Daniel, the beloved man.
There are standard implications read into these clauses, for instance the river for washing the wounds is mentioned earlier on the page, and the Messiah's practice is implied as being not to untie all his bandages at once.
Because the Ashkenazim do not actually subscribe to the Jewish faith.
They are a nation (Kazaria) who adopted Judaism as a camouflage before the nation was destroyed. They rate the Talmud above the Bible when it comes to their "faith", and they are just as hypocritical as the Muslims who think that lying to non-Muslims is OK, but lying to Muslims isn't.
(yawn) No, the merger of Khazars and Jews over a millennium ago does not mean the Ashkenazim ever at any time ceased to be accepted as Jews by the whole of Judaism. Every other people group is allowed to define itself, but othering of Jews seems to come up quite frequently when people seem to claim some right to say you're not what race your own community all agrees you are.
(yawn) They don't rate the Talmud above the Bible (Tanakh), they regard it as more significant for daily living because it contains case law rather than general principles.
Yes, the idea of lying to outsiders is common in Judaism, Islam, and Christianity where it is called "reserve" and "Jesuitry".
And, on point, Ashkenazim believe Messiah is the future king.