I like it and may adopt this. I have a rubber stamp I put beneath the "Authorized Signature" line on all checks I write that says "Without Prejudice UCC 1-308".
A guy actully won a court case because of this. It showed he was intentionally reserving his rights and thought about in advance so the judge sided with him. I believe what you are doing is the same thing. Separate the legal identities aforethought and stand on your rights. I love it!
Good info. I am walking the line of remaining inside the corporate system while moving assets and ownership of my SSN, etc outside the system. This allows me to retain standing to do battle with assets outside the corp jurisdiction.
Main method of doing this is getting the double authenticated birth certificate and then placing it under the ownership of my LLC which can then claim all intellectual property and related rights, including any securities using it as collateral. Common Law Trust owns the LLC and all other non LLC assets. Eventually, no individual assets are owned, only Trust assets with me as both Trustee and Beneficiary.
I like it and may adopt this. I have a rubber stamp I put beneath the "Authorized Signature" line on all checks I write that says "Without Prejudice UCC 1-308".
A guy actully won a court case because of this. It showed he was intentionally reserving his rights and thought about in advance so the judge sided with him. I believe what you are doing is the same thing. Separate the legal identities aforethought and stand on your rights. I love it!
You need to get a magnifying glass and see and Read that ""Signature"" line....
Good info. I am walking the line of remaining inside the corporate system while moving assets and ownership of my SSN, etc outside the system. This allows me to retain standing to do battle with assets outside the corp jurisdiction.
Main method of doing this is getting the double authenticated birth certificate and then placing it under the ownership of my LLC which can then claim all intellectual property and related rights, including any securities using it as collateral. Common Law Trust owns the LLC and all other non LLC assets. Eventually, no individual assets are owned, only Trust assets with me as both Trustee and Beneficiary.