Really? So you are saying I was not sick for over half a week? That it was all a bad dream? Or I was off my nut? Sorry, pal, but direct personal experience trumps your stupid declaration. I agree that cases of flu were mingled in with cases of Covid for dishonest statistical results (I tried to unscramble them early in the game and discovered exactly that). But it doesn't mean there were NO Covid cases. And as Covid was of the cold/flu family of viruses, there would be similarities.
If it was "just a flu," why did the disease follow vectors from Wuhan? There should have been no discernible source. It behaved like a biowarfare campaign, not like "a flu." If it was "just a flu", why would the Wuhan lab be involved in anything? If it was created/concocted, the "just a" modifier is wrong and dishonest.
No SARS-COV-2 virus has ever been demonstrated to exist. No test was ever calibrated to known infecteds. If you don't calibrate a test, it means you have no idea what the accuracy or specificity of it is. So, it's fake. What we witnessed was a pandemic of false positives from a fake test, and the shifting of a different name onto a flu/cold season. Overlaid on top of this was a mass terrorism and propaganda war against the world's peoples on a scale never seen in world history. They could have run the psy op just as easily in 2019 or in 2021, or any other year, because there's a flu/cold season every winter.
And yet we had disease, different from a common flu. And evidence that something was genetically concocted in the Wuhan laboratory, with vectors emanating from that locale. It can't both be fake (nonexistent) and concocted. You are ignoring the bio-warfare aspect of its progression.
No, there was never any virus, so it was all a scam. Test was fake. Flu numbers dropped to zero because it was the flu rebranded with another name.
Really? So you are saying I was not sick for over half a week? That it was all a bad dream? Or I was off my nut? Sorry, pal, but direct personal experience trumps your stupid declaration. I agree that cases of flu were mingled in with cases of Covid for dishonest statistical results (I tried to unscramble them early in the game and discovered exactly that). But it doesn't mean there were NO Covid cases. And as Covid was of the cold/flu family of viruses, there would be similarities.
If it was "just a flu," why did the disease follow vectors from Wuhan? There should have been no discernible source. It behaved like a biowarfare campaign, not like "a flu." If it was "just a flu", why would the Wuhan lab be involved in anything? If it was created/concocted, the "just a" modifier is wrong and dishonest.
I'm saying you had the flu or a cold.
No SARS-COV-2 virus has ever been demonstrated to exist. No test was ever calibrated to known infecteds. If you don't calibrate a test, it means you have no idea what the accuracy or specificity of it is. So, it's fake. What we witnessed was a pandemic of false positives from a fake test, and the shifting of a different name onto a flu/cold season. Overlaid on top of this was a mass terrorism and propaganda war against the world's peoples on a scale never seen in world history. They could have run the psy op just as easily in 2019 or in 2021, or any other year, because there's a flu/cold season every winter.
And yet we had disease, different from a common flu. And evidence that something was genetically concocted in the Wuhan laboratory, with vectors emanating from that locale. It can't both be fake (nonexistent) and concocted. You are ignoring the bio-warfare aspect of its progression.