Researchers discovered how to turn on cancer’s ‘kill switch’
Scientists discover a hidden genetic switch that could transform cancer treatment by stopping tumor growth at the RNA level. - This pisses me off more than makes me feel good - Read on & You'll know why if you haven't already guessed 💀💉
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You want a conspiracy theory? They know fluoride is poison BUT if you give it in minute quantities over a long period of time it destroys the immune system making people sick. High blood pressure is rampant and one of the most money making drugs they make and this is a major cause of it. The mechinism your body uses to produce nitric oxide which essential for a healthy immune system is destroyed by fluoride. THEY KNEW THIS when that started putting it into our water and dental care products. Not only do they HIDE cures for disease but they knowingly introduce chemicals into our food and what we think is heath care products to make us sick. CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY all for a dollar!
Add to fluorine, the rest of the halides - chorine and bromine. Bromated flour is now being used when it used to be iodized. There is no legitimate use for bromine in the human body - and they thought putting it in the food chain was a good idea. Chorine is in the water most people drink along with numbers of processed foods and drinks. All these halides displace needed iodine in the body which is essential for glandular architecture. Iodine/iodide is needed by every gland in the body. They have known what they were doing all along.
Evil - and Yes.
All of this to destroy the immune system and make us sickly needing their drugs.
put simply and sickeningly - Yes evil.
100% - many thanks photobuf'
Ever wondered why they need to put Aluminium in deodorant? It’s actually in a lot of things. It’s highly toxic to humans.
These people are not human.
Correct. - Demons all. well said Burn'.
From Article:
One of these key regulators, TRA2β, is frequently overactive in aggressive cancers, including breast, brain, and colorectal tumors. Until recently, no therapies targeted TRA2β directly. But now, researchers have discovered a way to shut it down using a molecular switch hidden within its own RNA.
Now think, what [after the jabs/vax] kinds of cancer have run rampant and still are killing off people both young [very young] and old as well? All 3 kinds of these cancers!
These people want to act like this is new, when in fact in order to even do what they did with the vax's abilities - they had to initiate this very thing - concerning the TRA2β -i.e. overactive, aggressive. All they essentially doing in my opinion here is telling people how they utilized RNA to turn the switch on and now are bragging how to turn it off. - Demons
edit: I have not yet replied to anyone concerning other posts yet today but will. I just saw this and it got under my skin so much I thought I'd post it first - these people are sick. Creating the plague and then bragging about the "how" they can fix it. They had to have known this very thing "before" even releasing Cov19 shots.
That’s a good bet. I appreciate the q post too because it fits. If all goes as planned, the public will know and it’s going to be ugly. I’ve been to 3 funerals in a month. My Mom has lost 5 people she’s known most of her life since December. The deaths are picking up and we know the Cancer diagnosis starting at stage 4 is at an all time high. I can’t imagine people not flipping out. Especially if you forced your kids to get the vaxx and your entire family is vaxxed. Without revealing what the vaxx could do, people can’t take preventative care and are sitting ducks. It’s the holocaust all over again where a family of 30 (mine) becomes 13. ☹️
God in Heaven, yeah,... I know exactly what you mean and yes. I get up and we look at the obits, I swear if I lived closer to where I grew up and my friends were - I'd of already been to over a dozen funerals. It is unreal. I look and boom, another one or someone's mom or dad or uncle, brother, sister etc... I cant wrap my head around all these people "still" not acknowledging that it was the very thing that they did to themselves i.e. the vax. blinded by ... something, what I just don't know. I hate that for you and your family, and the ones you've lost. You ever need anything, don't be afraid to holler. I might not be able to do much but I'll be here and do what I can. I can promise you that. You keep taking care of yourself and watch out. This world right now is and has been filled with so much damn evil. again, we're here if you need us - mean it. 🍻
Been saying this for years as well. I have buried most of my friends. Vaxxies still have blinders on as a way to cope, but as they start to awake and realize.... I cannot imagine the furry and rage that will simmer in one's mind and potentially thru their actions when they realize that they poisoned their own kids. These are people with nothing left to lose and a proverbial axe to grind.
well said and yes about all of it. I could not even begin to imagine being -that- person.
I have a pretty solid feeling how he would feel, I am just not going to act on it. My day in the sun is as short as my runway. But, from the sidelines, I am hoping and living for the day of the flights, perp walks and club gitmo court trials. There has to be justice.
"This research opens the door to a new class of cancer treatments focused on restoring natural RNA regulatory mechanisms rather than blocking proteins directly. "
In other words, you cannot buy it right now. People are getting cancer and dying on a daily basis. The same old same old.
I feel the exact same frustration and it sickens me.
This was what was being discussed when Trump had those two AI guys on. The two controversial fellas, and I don’t remember their names, but they were claiming that they could cure cancer with the vaccine. This was a little bit alarming for me to have Trump pushing these two folks out in the front lines. Some kind of geniuses are billionaires or something. I can’t remember who they are. But nobody was really pleased about that interaction. AI & Vaccines
bothers me to this day. not everyone had the info we did/do.. I know all the answers to the question: "why'd Trump allow this if he actually knew about it... obviously knew due to the fact that it's been proven many times over that this is more than coincidental or luck" ...still, how do you allow killing off 1/2 the planet and it not be addressed in an immediate manner instead of this slow walk? I don't know, nor do I understand.. If it's never addressed, I probably never will then. I'm just thankful to God that we, the ones who are here today, ... are here and have means to combat this bullshit as well as cure it. I credit him on giving us cures before hand but loathe the media for making him out to be a pretentious idiot that would do us harm, purposely. The main stream media? those people are 💀 to me and will remain that until the day I die. Maybe this was Trump's Dr. Strange moment, ..the one finger goes up, telling us -this, this is our only chance to survive, not everyone will but humanity itself will go on, instead of a total annihilation. who knows? I don't. That's for damn sure.
Larry Ellison of Oracle, Project Stargate
Thank you 🙏
Hmm we had spike protein from the Jabs not sure on type and it appears cancer more aggressive with “However, in cancer, this poison exon is frequently skipped, allowing TRA2β levels to rise unchecked. High levels of this protein fuel tumor growth by influencing the splicing of other key genes involved in cell division, DNA repair, and programmed cell death. “
you're seeing the picture clearly. 👍🍻
Just a guess, did they discover this as long ago as 1968?
68' reminds me of a time before estrogen being a problem in men - we had Masteron, Drostanolone - which was a synthetic version of testosterone that did not convert to estrogen. So after a few years: Boom, it was taken off the market. It also [with studies for proof - had cured cancer in when; particualrly Breast cancers. Their Problem: no money for anti-estrogens. look up the dates. as well as the availability of Masteron. Now for any form of replacement therapy for testosterone its - cypionate, enanthate or a pill version -which all convert. They do this on purpose and it's obvious. Look at what the Cov19 shot did to t cell behavior(s) i.e. HIV/AIDS and then look at the safest anabolic that was being given to these people i.e. magic johnson and how these people regained weight, good weight, muscle without atrophy etc.. and then look at when they took Oxandrin "off the market" by FDA. What could've been a Miracle and up until I believe august of last year, was taken away from them. What will all the people who've been successfully living and thriving with this drug now going to use or do? 💀They knew and know what they're doing. It's both evil and criminal. I'll say more on this and what you asked later. Just got up and finishing coffee friend.
What they are aiming for is an artificial control grid of health. Hence, their focus on vaxxing.
Using available treatments, cheap and effective, does not yield much ....
Taking it one step further, this is about natural rights, which flows from that what a man is, based on the faculties inherent to man.
Control the faculties, control the man.
If you need more convincing, compare:
I'm a chemistry/mathematical person: I can tell you - you are not wrong when you say "control." - I cannot and will not say much about a certain subject of mine concerning the disease ALS and certain peptides. I have two friends one of which still works w/in the CDC and another who is a professor of Chemistry. - I brought both of them my findings after being diagnosed and now, NOW the peptide itself which is a splinter of a medication that costs over 11k a month to buy. The peptide itself only costs 65 dollars. That is not a lie and the absolute truth. When Q said follow the money and these people are sick - He/They were not kidding and so far as them wanting to take us all out- the answer Yes - look for water purification systems that not only help you but can heal you i.e. This post by a very smart anon that has helped us in ways most don't even know about: link is provided below and many thanks for your reply. I appreciate it and you're 100% right in having said so. 🍻 Post I Mentioned
Thanks, fren.
There is always a lot to sift through. Especially, vested interest$$$$. Last year, It would not have been in jest to say, your findings could gain traction If you could have somehow tied it to Climate Change, CO2 footprints and NOX-footprint reductions.
I hope, with the current transition, you will get the ear because of the merits.
thank you so much for what you've said. I greatly appreciate it. means an awful lot. Bless you Red'. - I mean it.
By now we should be aware they are trying to kill us all slowly. Take everything we have in the way down.
couldn't agree more. pisses me off to no end but definitely agree with you SOG'. 🍻
Unreadable site. So many ads.
I use more than a few adblockers as well as a VPN that blocks the majority. I will see if I cannot find you another source for this if you in fact do not utilize nor have any of what I've said above. Give me a minute. please.
Brave browser, no ads
Thank you for trying to help him out. I honestly still wonder how that was all he got out of the post. - until I looked at the history. Appears to be a pattern of behavior - I thank you for what you said though in helping. Much appreciated. 🍻
Brave browser, no ads
Edit: that took approximately less than a (one) minute. I would also allow you to utilize a search engine with key terms or phrases - all I've done here for you was search my entire title. Good luck. I know the internet can be tricky for some that aren't used to it. again, I truly 'hope' this will help you out with your further studies of RNA and what it has been utilized for so far as vaccines etc. in the future on your research. Happy hunting.
Here, this should suffice
I just love the SOUND of Victory on a Monday morning!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁👍👍