Craigslist has been a recruitment tool for these "protests" for a long time. I saw a lot of similar ads in 2020. Some paid and some unpaid. Think Antifa...
All the Republicans should go there and try their acting skillz and secretly film everything talking to the other paid actors like O'Keefe, get paid, and then post it all on online.
Wish they would protest in OKC.....
When the filming starts,put a Trump Vance sticker on the sign.
Easy money.
I like how your brain works!
Offering to pay people in cash? Surely that’s something worth investigating, wait until everyone is paid, then pounce.
Craigslist has been a recruitment tool for these "protests" for a long time. I saw a lot of similar ads in 2020. Some paid and some unpaid. Think Antifa...
The rent a mob has been around forever. Back in the day when it was want ads in the newspaper, I remember the jobs were listed under 'activist'.
Wow I didn't know that about newspaper ads
All the Republicans should go there and try their acting skillz and secretly film everything talking to the other paid actors like O'Keefe, get paid, and then post it all on online.
There should be no such thing as a "paid protest".
Would a paid protest be violation of “Disturbing the Peace” laws?
Does NYC still have any of those on the books?
Where is NYCs civic law posted at?
And the money is coming from where…. I bet the taxpayers are picking up the tab.
Greglist... practically useless in every way imaginable.