My take: they found a solution to the Ukraine problem within the first 17 minutes, and have spent the remaining time swapping golf tips, equestrian techniques, and cracking jokes and the cabal and the deep state.
Trump: and then I said we'll get Greenland.
Putin: surely they don't take you seriously?
Trump: they do take me serious, and don't call me shirley
Putin: lol
Trump: lol.
Putin: so, about the de-escalation time frame... ?
Trump: deez nuts have a time frame
Putin: respectfully, fuck you Mr. PRESIDENT
Trump: kek
Putin: kek
Trump: sorry vlad
Putin: so, how is Biden?
Trump: how's your mum
Putin: dead and buried
Trump: that's funny so is he.
Putin: I thought he was only dead inside..
Trump: Intel inside. Programming. Salute the marine...
Har, har. But I halfway believe the conversation was genuinely friendly and wide-ranging. I think both of them enjoyed talking with another intelligent, aware grown-up. As personalities, I think they have strong similarities: realism, vision, drive, pugnaciousness, tact, candor, and love of country.
I think we were meant to collaborate. I believe in American exceptionalism, that we have a destiny under God, to lead us upward. And I believe the Russians feel the same way, with a 1000-year continuous history from origin as a Christian nation and a culture impressed with the meaning of suffering and truth. We get voices such as Solzhenisyn to lead us to Christ.
My take: they found a solution to the Ukraine problem within the first 17 minutes, and have spent the remaining time swapping golf tips, equestrian techniques, and cracking jokes and the cabal and the deep state.
Trump: and then I said we'll get Greenland.
Putin: surely they don't take you seriously?
Trump: they do take me serious, and don't call me shirley
Putin: lol
Trump: lol.
Putin: so, about the de-escalation time frame... ?
Trump: deez nuts have a time frame
Putin: respectfully, fuck you Mr. PRESIDENT
Trump: kek
Putin: kek
Trump: sorry vlad
Putin: so, how is Biden?
Trump: how's your mum
Putin: dead and buried
Trump: that's funny so is he.
Putin: I thought he was only dead inside..
Trump: Intel inside. Programming. Salute the marine...
Putin: I shoulda nuked him tbh
Trump: we got him first.
Putin: lol
Trump: lol
Har, har. But I halfway believe the conversation was genuinely friendly and wide-ranging. I think both of them enjoyed talking with another intelligent, aware grown-up. As personalities, I think they have strong similarities: realism, vision, drive, pugnaciousness, tact, candor, and love of country.
I think we were meant to collaborate. I believe in American exceptionalism, that we have a destiny under God, to lead us upward. And I believe the Russians feel the same way, with a 1000-year continuous history from origin as a Christian nation and a culture impressed with the meaning of suffering and truth. We get voices such as Solzhenisyn to lead us to Christ.