Har, har. But I halfway believe the conversation was genuinely friendly and wide-ranging. I think both of them enjoyed talking with another intelligent, aware grown-up. As personalities, I think they have strong similarities: realism, vision, drive, pugnaciousness, tact, candor, and love of country.
I think we were meant to collaborate. I believe in American exceptionalism, that we have a destiny under God, to lead us upward. And I believe the Russians feel the same way, with a 1000-year continuous history from origin as a Christian nation and a culture impressed with the meaning of suffering and truth. We get voices such as Solzhenisyn to lead us to Christ.
Har, har. But I halfway believe the conversation was genuinely friendly and wide-ranging. I think both of them enjoyed talking with another intelligent, aware grown-up. As personalities, I think they have strong similarities: realism, vision, drive, pugnaciousness, tact, candor, and love of country.
I think we were meant to collaborate. I believe in American exceptionalism, that we have a destiny under God, to lead us upward. And I believe the Russians feel the same way, with a 1000-year continuous history from origin as a Christian nation and a culture impressed with the meaning of suffering and truth. We get voices such as Solzhenisyn to lead us to Christ.