Confirmation bias doesn't mean that you think there aren't any "great Jewish people".
It means that you're paying more attention to things that point out that Jewish people are involved in misdeeds.
You're taking the global percentage of Jewish people and applying that to famous people in the USA/Canada and Israel, for the most part.
There are myriad reasons why Jewish people make up a (relatively) large percentage of people in finance, politics, Hollywood, and the media.
Historically, one of the main reasons Jewish people are prominent in finance is because they weren't allowed to own land. And since Christians weren't allowed (at certain times and in certain places) to charge interest on loans (thus, few Christian bankers) banking was one of the ways Jewish people could make money and support their families.
When Jewish people were excluded from joining other (predominantly Christian) social circles (country clubs, hotels, universities, etc...), they created their own networks and industries. Again, finance is one of those industries. Due to when and where the film industry in the US was established, it became yet another industry that had a heavy Jewish population.
Traditionally, Judaism has placed a high value on things like education and debate. Because of those values, high profile careers like medicine, law, and academia have been favored by Jewish people.
It's not that bad things are more likely to be done by Jewish people. It's that Jewish people are historically more likely to be involved in highly visible careers (which means it's likely anything they do will become public knowledge) and confirmation bias makes people think the fact that they're Jewish is the reason they're doing bad things.
If you really want to narrow down the common denominator that's shared by all the people you've listed, it's wealth.
But I don't see it being said that insanely rich people are evil or being criticized for doing bad things when they're rich, or that money is a bad thing. Especially considering how well regarded Trump, Musk, Wilbur Ross, Linda McMahon and all the other high networth people in Trump's circle are.
What we would really need to do, to break this down, would be to agree on a list of top conspirators, list their religions/heritage and then compare the percentage of elite conspirators to the general population of each religion. HAHhahaha, I'm not going to do that because I feel I've gotten a pretty good gist but if you want to start the list I'd be curious to see what your numbers are!
Except you're ignoring that Jewish people have historically been involved in high profile industries like finance, law, politics, and media.
I pointed out in another post here why they're more likely to have those types of highly visible careers, so you can go read that if you want.
It's not that Jewish people are more likely to do misdeeds than others. It's that they're more likely to be involved in careers that make them more publicly known, so any misdeeds they might do get spread far and wide. Then add confirmation bias, where people specifically look for and post about their horrible acts because they're Jewish, and you have the reason why you hear/read more about Jewish people doing horrible things than others.
Yeah, I said this but maybe it wasn't clear. I do not think Jewish people are more likely to commit misdeeds. I think it's the religion the DS often uses as cover (possibly to actually attack and undermine "the chosen people"). But I do think it's used fairly consistently.
Ok, use as cover how, exactly? Unless you're trying to say that the DS are setting Jewish people up as patsies, or they're pretending to be Jewish when they're not (and not that weird "they don't have the same DNA as the original Israelites" argument).
Confirmation bias doesn't mean that you think there aren't any "great Jewish people".
It means that you're paying more attention to things that point out that Jewish people are involved in misdeeds.
You're taking the global percentage of Jewish people and applying that to famous people in the USA/Canada and Israel, for the most part.
There are myriad reasons why Jewish people make up a (relatively) large percentage of people in finance, politics, Hollywood, and the media.
Historically, one of the main reasons Jewish people are prominent in finance is because they weren't allowed to own land. And since Christians weren't allowed (at certain times and in certain places) to charge interest on loans (thus, few Christian bankers) banking was one of the ways Jewish people could make money and support their families.
When Jewish people were excluded from joining other (predominantly Christian) social circles (country clubs, hotels, universities, etc...), they created their own networks and industries. Again, finance is one of those industries. Due to when and where the film industry in the US was established, it became yet another industry that had a heavy Jewish population.
Traditionally, Judaism has placed a high value on things like education and debate. Because of those values, high profile careers like medicine, law, and academia have been favored by Jewish people.
It's not that bad things are more likely to be done by Jewish people. It's that Jewish people are historically more likely to be involved in highly visible careers (which means it's likely anything they do will become public knowledge) and confirmation bias makes people think the fact that they're Jewish is the reason they're doing bad things.
If you really want to narrow down the common denominator that's shared by all the people you've listed, it's wealth.
But I don't see it being said that insanely rich people are evil or being criticized for doing bad things when they're rich, or that money is a bad thing. Especially considering how well regarded Trump, Musk, Wilbur Ross, Linda McMahon and all the other high networth people in Trump's circle are.
What we would really need to do, to break this down, would be to agree on a list of top conspirators, list their religions/heritage and then compare the percentage of elite conspirators to the general population of each religion. HAHhahaha, I'm not going to do that because I feel I've gotten a pretty good gist but if you want to start the list I'd be curious to see what your numbers are!
Except you're ignoring that Jewish people have historically been involved in high profile industries like finance, law, politics, and media.
I pointed out in another post here why they're more likely to have those types of highly visible careers, so you can go read that if you want.
It's not that Jewish people are more likely to do misdeeds than others. It's that they're more likely to be involved in careers that make them more publicly known, so any misdeeds they might do get spread far and wide. Then add confirmation bias, where people specifically look for and post about their horrible acts because they're Jewish, and you have the reason why you hear/read more about Jewish people doing horrible things than others.
Yeah, I said this but maybe it wasn't clear. I do not think Jewish people are more likely to commit misdeeds. I think it's the religion the DS often uses as cover (possibly to actually attack and undermine "the chosen people"). But I do think it's used fairly consistently.
Ok, use as cover how, exactly? Unless you're trying to say that the DS are setting Jewish people up as patsies, or they're pretending to be Jewish when they're not (and not that weird "they don't have the same DNA as the original Israelites" argument).