67 Epstein Fake (media.greatawakening.win) posted 6 days ago by Zromrlhzrd 6 days ago by Zromrlhzrd +67 / -0 20 comments download share 20 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
The nose curve is completely different.
Did they keep Hillary's brother on ice for this or was it an old video they pretended was from the night Epstein "died"
Yep. Betcha.
Epstein alive. Pictures after are not even close.
HRCs bro died at the same time. Similar looking. Maybe it was him.
Rodham died about two months before Epstein "died".
Ice? Cold storage?
Geez! Thank you for pointing that out. I corrected it.
Yep, many of us pointed out the differences after Epstein didn't kill himself.
What I see is the shadow in the death pic making it look different.
No you don't.
For example the part that comes down diagonally from right to left can be seen in the death pic also but it is in shadow so it looks like it's not there.
Somebody needs to do a comparison pic of bro Clinton's ear with Epstein live.
Not HR Clinton’s ear, her brother’s.
Yup. That's what I meant. Editing now.
Now I’m seeing on another thread that it was HRC’s brother in law which would be Clinton. I don’t think that is the case though. Any insight?
I always thought dead Epstein looked like Roger Stone