Calling him racist, nazi, fascist, insane...that schoolyard bullying crap doesn't work any more, now that everyone has seen him risk his life, and very nearly lose it, in steadfast defense of democracy and the American constitutional Republic. His great humility (that's right I said humility) and genuine heartfelt patriotism are what has garnered him not one, not two, but THREE landslide election victories in a row by a nation of people who love their country—and a mandate unlike anything the democrats or Republicans have ever had in my lifetime.
Yeah, as if Trump is the one who's insane here.
Calling him racist, nazi, fascist, insane...that schoolyard bullying crap doesn't work any more, now that everyone has seen him risk his life, and very nearly lose it, in steadfast defense of democracy and the American constitutional Republic. His great humility (that's right I said humility) and genuine heartfelt patriotism are what has garnered him not one, not two, but THREE landslide election victories in a row by a nation of people who love their country—and a mandate unlike anything the democrats or Republicans have ever had in my lifetime.
He had everything.
He chose us.
Someone should write
👏 👏 👏