I’ll probably get dinged for being off subject. But I really have no where else to go. And it’s freaking me out. Generational curse? I have two documents that appear to represent two families of UEL individuals and I can’t read them. Help?! Photo experts?
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔

Enhanced Historical Document Image
(image) Figure: The historical family record document has been enhanced to improve contrast and clarity for easier reading.
Transcription of Document Text
Title / Heading
Family Record of John Lake (hand-lettered title at bottom of the document)
Birth and Marriage Records
(John Lake and Sarah Roberts are the primary couple recorded. John’s marriage date is partially unclear (month and year illegible), and Sarah’s marriage entry only shows the year 1792 with the exact date not visible.)
Children of John Lake and Sarah Roberts
(“Jeminia” is spelled as written on the document. The entries for Richard and William include “Born the” before the date, and for Benjamin and Jeminia the phrase “was born” is used, exactly as in the original.)
Death Records
(The phrase “my wife” is written in the document for Sarah’s death entry, indicating it was recorded by her husband John. John Lake’s death entry is written in the third person without such a qualifier. All dates and ages are transcribed as given, with no punctuation added.)
I conducted further research to locate historical records for John Lake (born August 20, 1792) and Sarah Roberts (born September 10, 1773) in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. While specific matches for these individuals remain elusive, I identified several records that might be related or offer contextual insights:
Sarah Roberts (1800–?)
Note: This Sarah Roberts was born 27 years after the 1773 birthdate of your ancestor. However, the Roberts surname in Bucks County suggests a possible family connection worth exploring.
Moses Roberts (1735–1788)
Note: The birthdate of this Sarah Roberts (1768) differs from the 1773 date associated with your ancestor. However, considering naming conventions and regional proximity, this family might be related.
William Lake (1792–1877)
Note: This William Lake's birth year matches that of your ancestor John Lake. However, the Irish origin and different familial connections suggest they are not the same individual.
Recommendations for Further Research:
Explore Quaker Records: Given the prevalence of the Roberts surname among Quaker families in Pennsylvania, examining Quaker meeting records might uncover relevant information.
Investigate Regional Archives: Contacting local historical societies or archives in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, could provide leads on the Roberts family lineage.
Examine Immigration Records: Considering the possibility of Irish origins for the Lake family, reviewing immigration and naturalization records might be beneficial.
While these findings do not directly confirm the identities of John Lake and Sarah Roberts as your ancestors, they offer potential avenues for further investigation into families with similar names and regional ties.
Wow great! Thank you! Great work! How can I get the second one out to you?
I know that the Sarah of who you think is Robert’s is actually Matthew’s. Micheal is a woman named Michal. Pronounced Michelle. It’s a family from the child’s grand mother. Thomas’s wife.
Upload your image to an image hosting site like Imgur. (go for the highest resolution possible). Copy the direct link to the image and post it here.
We’re still in the "I" (Information) stage of the DIKW model. The more details we lock down, the sharper and more focused things will get as we move toward "K" (Knowledge) with deeper analysis.
Second imagine. Note the Masonic symbols. The bush at the top. The checks the grains surrounding the circle of each name. Just to name a few.
Sarah was definitely a Matthews
This will help you fill in the blanks.
Looks like someone who had ties to the masons got married and had someone do this to commemorate it to me...
You don't have to freak out because of stuff in your family tree... just make it your mission to break any bad cycles
I don't know why you got a downvote, you're not wrong here. I spent years in prayer breaking generational curses in my family tree, my grandma was a total wackadoo that would draw knives on her own children, and that's not even the worst of my family tree. I just let God lead me through praying it wasn't an overnight thing it's like pealing layers of an onion.
I appreciate your concern about my recent tragic downvote HunnyB ;)
Kidding aside... I don't even look at the votes... didn't look at them when we were back on reddit, either...
I say what I think... not to say I'm always right... and I will change my mind if compelling evidence comes in... but until then... I don't worry about it...
Good friend of mine has a sayin'... not sure where he got if from...
"What you think about me is none of my business."
We all have generational crap... life is pretty simple... do the right thing or don't.
It's a choice.
You're right, I usually ignore downvotes myself, but lately I've noticed a trend of downvotes on posts that are good or helpful. I guess they're just trolls or afraid of the truth.
Maybe this will help, maybe not. But wandaalger.me has a ton of info about freemasonry in the US, and she has spoken about generational curses and removing them. God bless.
trying to get this straight...
John Lake was born in 1792 and married Sarah Roberts who was born in 1773 , yet he was married in the 1800's since the exact year being illegible, while she was married the year John was born? so she married an infant? when she was 19? but later on, he died at age 66 in 1859 while she had passed at age 75 in 1848. her age checks with the year of her birth, while subtracting 66 years from 1859 leads me to 1793. lets say he was 65, that makes it 1794. two year difference, that also coincides with the eldest child. is this "couple" mother and son?
not trying to be troublesome, nor a wise acre, just confused with the info provided.
John was born in 1772. It’s very hard to read. They were married in 1792.
going to add that I do find this quite interesting. just thinking the dates are not correct...
I’m a genealogy nut. I have several artifacts IE: a stoneware picture that came down the Erie Canal with the family. A double barrel 12 gauge that belonged to my great grandfather and a photo album and a bible that belonged to my great, great grandmother. Mostly the stuff is cool. Just a little freaked about the symbolism on these charts. The connection seems to be provable but I’d like to find out more before I worry to much about this curse thing. With the fight being against good and evil I don’t wake any questions about my alliances.
you are on GreatAwakening.win, I do not doubt your alliances nor your allegiances. I find this sort of thing fascinating, and am interested. just seeing things that do not make sense to me makes me ask questions. another commenter is saying it is a wrong date. thanks for sharing.
Looks like a marriage between John Lake born August 20th 1772 and Sarah Mathews? born Sept. 10th 1773 Married January 24th 1794
The circle on the top right looks to be the first of 15 children born. That circle has the name (indecipherable) Lake born April (or August) 23rd 1794
Too much brain power needed for the remainder of the other 14 names. Sorry, OP.
I have a second image with more Masonic symbols but the symbols on this one is more common.
Actually posts like this are appreciated. The more to know about freemasonry the better
Idk how to post the second picture as a comment on this post
There isn’t a single, definitive historical figure named John Lake born on August 20, 1772, who stands out as widely notable based on available records. However, genealogical data provides some insight into a John Lake born on that exact date, primarily from family trees and historical records tied to early American settlers.
Here’s what can be pieced together:
A John Lake, born August 20, 1772, in Little White Creek, Albany County, New York (now Washington County), appears in multiple genealogical sources. He was the son of Thomas Lake and Michal (or Michelle) Williamson. This John Lake reportedly lived until July 14, 1837, dying in Nottawasaga, Simcoe County, Ontario, Canada. His family was part of the broader Lake family that migrated and settled in various parts of North America, often linked to Dutch or English colonial roots. His siblings included names like James, Mary, Elizabeth, Catherine, Henry, and others, suggesting a large family typical of the era. Some records indicate he may have died slightly later, between 1837 and 1847, in either Ernestown, Lennox and Addington County, or Nottawasaga, though the 1837 date in Nottawasaga is more consistently cited.
This John Lake’s life aligns with the period of the American Revolution and its aftermath. His father, Thomas, and uncles were involved in a fur trading enterprise in New York, and after the war, many in the family, as United Empire Loyalists, received land grants in Upper Canada from the British Crown due to their loyalty during the conflict. John’s move to Ontario fits this pattern of Loyalist migration. Beyond these basics—birth, death, and family context—specific details about his personal achievements, occupation, or notable events are sparse in accessible records. He doesn’t appear to have left a prominent public mark like some other John Lakes (e.g., John G. Lake, the Pentecostal healer born in 1870), so his story seems to be that of an ordinary settler navigating a turbulent time.
I see 4 digit numericals in the center 2 hearts. "1772 and 1773" respectively. So this real old pre-american mason documentation
Map to treasure on Oak Island? Sarc/
Likely a cataloging of masons, since dates are regarded by their names.
check this out https://www.geni.com/people/Thomas-Lake/6000000001044510651?utm
I don't know much about old documents, but you can try taking photographs with a range of different light colours, from infrared to ultra violet, both shining from the front (camera side) and from the back (through the document). Use RAW camera capture to enable PhotoShop manipulation. Try using a photo-scanner, front and back, set at the highest resolution possible, both photography and document settings.
Once good photographs are available fiddle with the best photography editor that you can find, such as PhotoShop. Include the use of black and white processing.
You need to look up "fraktur." German artists in that time period made beautiful documents like this for marriage, birth, baptism. There are fraktur in my family dating from the 1700s. This is in Virginia in an area settled largely by Germans. It was also common in Pennsylvania among the Germans there.
Masonic family tree!
Looks like family tree of sorts.
Here’s what I think It says:
Center Heart, Left: “John Lake Born August 20th 1772 married …(illegible) Center Heart, Right: Sarah Matthews Born September 10th 1773…(illegible)
**Bottom Left in box: ** “John Lake departed this life July 14th 1837 in the 65th year of his life.”
Right Left in box:* “Sarah Lake, my wife, departed this life June 8th 1818 in the 45th year of her life.”
Around the two center hearts are circles with names and DOB’s of either their parents, their children, or both? Either way, the couple appear to have been blessed, by a large family. For example, above Sarah Matthew’s name small #1: “Michael Lake DOB (illegible)
I could go on but I’m working on a little touch screen and it’s kind of laborious. Would advise having two screens, or one large screen and just writing what you think you see from there.
Is there someone with some sort of photo shop that can help me read these? I even inherited a small ritual book and so I know my great aunt and uncle kept their activities going into the 1960s. I have seen nothing that says my grandfather did though. It’s scary to think what this has done if the curse is real.