5G: Time To Learn The Facts (rumble.com) 🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
posted ago by JustSayIt ago by JustSayIt

What this guy says makes...a lot of sense.


First city in world to have 5G...Wuhan as well.

And theres another doctor (Dr. T.C. Fry) who explains that diseases can't be "caught". When your sick it's due to your habits, radiation, spirit etc....

Pretty sure the radiation swirling around our world is whats making people sick. And the difference between 4g and 5G is like comparing the size of a hotdog to an Airport hanger.

Once your vaxxed the graphene is probably manipulated to destroy our cells. Its the perfect plan.

They can now manipulate the area's of sickness in the world with a computer. A new and very useful form of control.

I've jus re-upped on iodine, I hear thats useful.

We WILL need to leave the cities. If not already.

Also obviously never take the fucking jab.

Love yall.


I've been watching a video posted here on GAW. So graphene oxide is a substance that can create a magnetic field when electric charged.

When charged it's able to make a connection with 5G the woman claimed in the video. She also explained the reason they want to inject us with the experimental jab is to see how much graphene oxide our bodies can take.

We have been speculating for a long time that 5G caused the Covid-19 symptoms, nobody could really explained the science behind it till now.

One day the unvaxxed will be walking amongst mindless zombies controlled by an AI computer using 5G.

Exactly what Elon Musk wants to do with us, turning us into cyborg subhumans connected to the internet.

Years before we all knew about covid, my friend told me about the mark of the beast and zombies roaming the earth.

If true, my friend wasn't crazy after all. May God stand with us "the unvaccinated"


Can we?


Everyone is focused on the EMFs (Electric and Magnetic Fields) but no one is talking about the ultrasonic and infrasonic aspects to it. Check out this study on the Health Effects of Exposure to Ultrasound and Infrasound.


You can't measure those with electronic devices near as easily. The damned things could be just fine electrically speaking, but in terms of letting off inaudible vibrations, who the hell knows what is going on. I cannot find a single study on vibroacoustic hazards due to this new system, or in general for that matter.

Some of you know I've been looking into sound, frequency and vibrations lately. I'm still compiling my thoughts, as most of it is new to me. I might have a draft in 2 weeks time.

This is a neglected (more like suppressed) scientific field. For instance, did you know you could make an air conditioner using a tube and a subwoofer speaker?

I'm not 100% on board with 5G being a death field projector, but the lack of due diligence into making sure it won't have any negative consequences is frightening thus far. The same people trying to kill us with crooked medicine are also the ones backing 5G. Follow the money, and the only conclusion you can make is that it isn't "for us."


5G uses the exact same frequencies our brain creates. If the vaccine does insert graphene or other metals that transmit. and they cross the brain-barrier, then I would say we have a great big problem.

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